The New Girl In Town

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A/N: The outfit pictures in every chapter are to basically give you an idea of Elena's style. Also, the first movie's chapters are already prewritten and will be posted at least once a day. Frozen Empire chapters will come after that.

Paint splattered onto an old shed in Elena's backyard, giving it new life with a bright yellow color.

She fully painted it yellow, before painting on some red roses as well.

Stepping back, Elena looked over her work. Paint stained her clothes and skin. She grinned proudly.


Elena had long, wavy blonde hair, pale white skin and bright blue eyes, along with some freckles decorating her cheeks. She couldn't be older than 12-13.

Just then, Elena heard chirping and smiled as a little bird flew down and rested on the newly painted shed.

"I know I promised you a bird house, I'm working on. I'm heading out to get parts tonight." Elena explained with a pout, crossing her arms.

The bird chirped at her, almost judgementally.

Before Elena could retort, a voice boomed from her house.


Elena groaned, rolling her eyes. "Looks like dad's awake." She saluted the bird and hurried off inside.


She found her dad collapsed on the couch with a beer in his hand. Beer bottles and cans littered the already filthy living room. The TV was on, but showing pure static.

"Piece of shit..." Her father hissed. He was a rather tall, muscular man with nicely trimmed facial hair and short hair that went up a little. He was wearing some jeans and a white dress shirt with a couple of the buttons undone. "Never fuckin' works when I want it to." He complained, shutting the TV off with the remote.

"I repainted the shed." Elena announced proudly. "It's like, suuuuper cute now, to match me." She winked.

Mr. Cassidy grumbled a little, taking a swig of his beer before standing up. "C'mon, let's eat dinner."

Elena sat down at the dingy table. Honestly she was shocked it was still standing. She watched as her dad roamed around the kitchen, digging through the cabinets to try and find something to eat.

But soon enough, he grew frustrated and slammed one of the cabinets shut, nearly knocking the door off its hinges. "Well, looks like it's peanut butter and crackers." He grabbed them off the counter and threw them onto the table.

Elena smiled. "My favorite." She got to work making some peanut butter cracker sandwiches.

Her father sat down, putting his head in his hand tiredly. "I know things have been a little tight lately, honey. I'm working on it, promise."

"I know." Elena nodded. "You're doing your best."

Mr. Cassidy smiled at that, leaning over and ruffling Elena's hair. Elena smiled back.


Later in the night, Elena arrived near an old house. It belonged to a man she never bothered to remember the name of, so she just called him Farmer Gramps. 

Elena set her bike down and headed towards the old wooden shack by the house, a large bag in hand.

But for once, she realized the door to the shack had been opened.

Eyebrows furrowed, Elena got closer. She swore she remembered to close it last time, and she heard about Farmer Gramps' passing, so it's not like he was gonna use the shack anymore...

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