Today nadiia told me to draw her, im like "fuck you but ok"

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My friends friend is a homophobic little shit

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My friends friend is a homophobic little shit... apparently she doesnt have enough friends for me to ruin her life (bruh)

But i make the most out of it because im cheap :)

Every time she approaches a group of nice people i kindly go up to her like "THERES MY FAVORITE HOMOPHOBE"

I just go there holding a bullhorn, telling people passing by like "yes, yes, i know"

And in front of my openly gay friends im like

"SHES GAY SHES GAY, lunas bi curious, HOLY SHIT HES GAY TOOOO...paulina, paulina, tell me, are you gay... OH MY GOD LOOK, LAYAN, ANOTHER LESBIAN"

And this dumbass (my friend) nadiia, shes like "heyyy...dont be mad at layan" and i almost hit her in the face with my keys like "I DONT HAVE TO BE MAD AT SOMEONE TO HATE THEM :D" smiling because im super nice

Then shes like "layan just thinks is contagious"


Dafuq, nadiia

So she thinks someone can be turned gay?

And she thinks being gay is a bad thing?

Wtf, jesus nadiia, i thought you didnt want me to hate her the fuck???

Btw, iris, luna... its layan, spelt like L A Y A N... as in layan.ahmed (now you know her email), she goes to our school, she has the same religion as naila (but nailas an ally), shes the short girl who hangs out with nadiia everyday on your side of the school, and always goes to the bathroom... next time, just gather an army add a couple of dynamite sticks and chainsaws...its pronounced lie-an lyan, luh-eye-yen...same age as me... i forgot but i think shes an aries...shes like super short

Feel free to gang up on her :3

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