chapter 14

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Zephyr pov

'It's make believe cause he must be the joker'

' had your pussy socking it dripping over my cover you know we had fuck'

I stood up to go to the bathroom and everyone stood as well except Unicorn "where are going?"Unicorn ask "I'm going to the bathroom"I answered truthfully, they all did a small cough,they know I can beat all four of them at the same time

"We are singing the next song together..."I didn't wait for them to explain them selves as I walked away

When I got to the bathroom I just stare at myself not know what to do "you promised her you won't beat her friends"I said trying to decrease the angry but fuck this I will apologize after,I heard a loud banging "Zephyr I want to leave now"

She voice was so loud,I jumped a little surprised about her attitude "yeah I'm coming!"I opened the door and she doesn't look happy, now I have a reason why I killed them "why do you look mad"I pulled her for a hug

Her love language is physical touch and it was hard at first because when I would touch her unacceptable she would hit me "you know friends just a little disagreement"she said it so softly like it happens a lot "this is not your first time disagreeing'

"Ohh it is, but I understand!"she pulls my hand as we walked away"see you guys at school!"she stated not waiting for their response "I thought you guys fought?"

"It's just a little disagreement I know that we are going to talk tonight"She said so carefree "are you hungry?" I asked remember that she didn't have lunch "yeah let's go cook something" I opened the door for her as I walked to the driver's side "what are you doing to cook?"I asked

"No you are cooking not me"she responded shaking her head in disapprove "why can't we just eat at a restaurant?"I don't mind cooking for her "I just want to know if I'm going to marry you or I should find someone else"she says smiling

"I will kill anyone who tries to date you"I said meaning it, why would I even let her go "boy please"she said laughing at me,we continue talking about us

We got to our apartment,I am thinking about what I should make while she changed in to something more comfortable.She come wearing my clothes,,, my black sweat pants that look big on her and my socks with her black crop top,she looks so cute

"You are so cute!"I said kissing her head "thank you, now what are you making?"she asked as I bite the inside of my mouth"I don't know!"I don't know how to cook, don't judge me,I grow up with maids that I didn't see the need to learn how to cook

"I guess I'm going to find my husband somewhere else!"she said serious "wait what?"I am surprised about her comment"what I'm not going to be your maid!"she said with a straight face I thought she was joking but now I don't think so

"Wait we can hire a maid and a chief no need to work"I said holding her hands so she won't leave,then she laughs her heart out "man you should have seen your face you looked so scared and stressed"

"Unicorn that was not funny!"my heart is still beating fast,I thought I lost the girl I love because I can't cook "I'm sorry"she said not staring at me but staring at the floor with her head hang low"it's fine just don't do something like that again"I give her a small kiss so she can look at me

"Let me teach you cook something simple!"she jumps smiling,she is crazy on another level "rice and chicken,I know for a fact that this one is the easiest even a one year old child can do it"I stare at her surprised while she laughs

"I'm serious it's easy"she takes a sit "I thought you are teaching me how to cook?"

"I am,now take out your pots!"

An hour late I'm done cooking,and I am proud of say I didn't know what I was doing at all but it was funny,she takes out the plates and my mother open the door.Unicorn was bend over to take out the plates

"My mother!"I yelled as she stares up to look at me scared,I can see the fear on her face "Why are you yelling I know I'm your mother"she comes to the kitchen with some bags, Unicorn got in the carport thankful their are big for her to fit

"Yeah hii mother"I said wishing her could disappear "hi I'm here to congratulate you on winning your first game"she said with a smile,I stare at her bored "I played that game last week?"

"I know it's just that I have been busy with work you know how hard it is" I'm so used to this "you didn't call,you could have called after I played you know that just a seconds not even a minute!"

"Zephyr I'm not here to argue with you I'm here to celebrate can we just do that"she said acting like the victim like always,I'm always wrong when we talk "you are learning how to cook that is wonderful,the girl we got you will be happy!"

"I don't need anything from you,I already got the girl I am in love with"I said not wanting to make Unicorn to feel insecure"ohh I can't wait to meet her"she smiles looking at her phone while standing up"I thought we are going to celebrate my win" I knew she was lying

"I'm sorry but I just got a message from Mrs White"

"Ok I understand"I said like always,I don't remember spending more the thirty minutes with my parents"see you tomorrow"she said walking away
I know I won't see her tomorrow, when the door closed Unicorn gets out hugging me

"I'm sorry for that,I will lock the door next time!"I said disappointed in my self I know I could have prevented her for hiding in the carport "it's fine!"she laughs at me making me smile "let's see what she got you"she walks to the bags to check

"I thought you hate tuna?"she asked surprised"I do hate it"I answered truthfully "ohh wow this is weird,do you want to eat!"she leaves the bags so we can eat

"Your mother doesn't have this parent thing figured out right"she seats down as I dished for us "both my parents,  but I have a brother that makes up for the shitty parents we have"I didn't look at her while speaking"I'm so sorry for that"she hugs me for the back

I turn us around, laying my head on top of her's "it's fine now I got you and nothing is going on stop me from being with you,I rather lose everything then lose you!"I meant every word

I'm in love with her...

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