chapter 15

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Zephyr pov

"Yeah but like I don't really like animals!"She says as we eat breakfast in the school field before the school starts "wait!!why?" I'm surprised because last time she picked up a snail,she even took pictures of it  "their are scary,have you seen them,I rather have children then animals"

"But you have a snail last week"I commented making her laugh "yeah but it's cute,I'm scared of any animal that has teeth or poison"she responds wiping my mouth "you are a drama queen!"I laughed at her "well if I was not a drama queen what would you like about me?"she questions me

"You"I responded kissing her cheeks "that is not an answer"she says pushing me away from her acting mad about my response "you because are everything I should stay away from, you because you are everything I'm scared off,you because without you their is no tomorrow therefore my answer is still you"as I say this

She stares at me with so much love that only fireworks are missing in her back round "yeah whatever!"she says with the widest smile on her face,the first bell rings "let's go to school before I get detention again"she says opening her door walking out

Yes I parked my car on the field

I stare at her surprised because she knows she doesn't open the door for herself "come on!"she says smiling, I do as she says,smiling at her "are you doing okay today!"I asked her

"Yeah I'm happy!"she says jumping around I smiled maybe I'm just overthinking things,I don't want her to feel overwhelmed.I know that she is easily overwhelmed"let's go to Paris next week!"I said wanting us to rewind without stress that one of our parents may see us

"Yeah let's do it"she says excited about it but right now she is singing not caring about people "Unicorn!"she stares at me wanting me to continue my sentence but I don't know what to say

"Are you okay Nuggets!"she asked walking then stands next to me while lifting her head to look at me "I'm good but I'm not sure about you!"I answered truthfully "I'm just excited that you are in my life!"she responded getting on her tiptoes

She kiss me and I kiss her back with the same energy,she pulls away "are you okay now?"she asked me and I'm the one who wants to jump around out of excitement,well singing without a care in the world "you bet it"after I said that she laughs rolling her eyes

I walked her to her class with her bag in my shoulder as she eats candy "thank you"she says taking her bag walking to class after a kiss on her head

Lunch time

I'm waiting for her in her biology class, everyone gets out and she was the last one who got out "hello Unicorn"I said,grabbing her attention as she is in her own little world "oh my goodness Zephyr what brings you here!"she said hugging me

"Waiting for my girlfriend!"I said staring at the door like I'm waiting for someone making her laugh "hope your girlfriend is beautiful as me "she says pulling my hand walking to the cafeteria "she is a goddess,she is the most beautiful woman I have and will ever lay my eyes on,she is something else" I responded making her blush

"She is luck hi!'she says smiling at me "yeah I'm blessed!"she makes us stop "see you later"she kiss's my cheeks "I thought you are seating with my friends today?"I asked her,she didn't say that but still I thought we would do it since we are a couple

"My Nugget you have your friends and I have mine,yours are popular and mine are invisible and I don't want to be popular that is just not me!"she says holding both my arms like I will understand what she is talking about

"Are you already popular, you are my girlfriend and the only black girl in the school you want me to continue?" I asked her,she roll her eyes "you want to argue because I'm going to win!"she says smiling

"I dare you!"I said,I think this is the funniest thing we always do when we want to solve something"you should sit with me because you are my girlfriend!"she laughs at me "you should obey me because you are my boyfriend"I stare at her surprised

"How does you being my girlfriend turn to me being your slave"I asked making her laugh,I think she is the only person who laughs easily "well the wheel have turned I guess I'm your master now!"

"Ohh you didn't!"I said laughing at her "fine you win,I will sit with you!" she says pulling my hand "guys I will sit with you after school!"she yelled at her friends all of them with an annoyed express on their face looks at me

We seat on the table were usually I sit "tell your friends to sit somewhere else!"she says licking her lips smiling holding my arm "okay"I said not even thinking about it "find another place to sit!"they turned around without arguing with me

"They are so nice, they didn't ask you why!"

After lunch

It's gym meaning I'm going to see my girlfriend but first I was to go the couch and talk about the upcoming practices,the schedule is messed up,we are starting with our exams

I hear yelled "I'm so sorry if I sound disrespectful but I'm not wearing this it's too short" why does this sound like Unicorn "well I don't see it being short and you are the only one complaining about it"he says not even caring about what she is saying

"I'm serious,I wore it and it reaches under my bum and I know it's against school rules,I think you give me the wrong size"she says,I can feel her stress "go wear it so I can see what you are talking about!"after he said that I busted in the office

"Never going to happen, Unicorn you are fine like that just go to the field I will find you there!"I ordered her,she doesn't say anything no longer wanting to be with our couch

When I picked out of the door I see her getting out of the school doors walking to the field,I didn't waste time "so w..."I didn't give him the time to finish what he was going to say

I punch his face repeatedly,I stand up and kicked the whole body, making sure to break some bones

I continued beating him for thirty minutes blood on my face,hands, shirt even my pants "if you ever try something as stupid as that again I will kill you"I said

Then walking to the toilet to clean my self.I got to the field "okay class let's run two laps around the field!"I said, I'm the couch then he is not around "are you okay?"I asked her "yeah I am and you"she lies,I know she is still uncomfortable with the conversation her and the couch had

"Do you want to stay over?"I asked again "no maybe next week,I have a date with my little sister you forgot?" She says smiling at me "oh man it completely slipped my m..."I see the cops walking our direct

"Mr Russell you are under arrest for the assault of Mr Gold"they said handcuffing me, Unicorn tears in her eyes shaking surprised what is going on

I walked without fighting.....

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