💫Rasmus: tough work day💫

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U come home from the shop, after doing ur shift for more hours then u were gonna get payed, u left at 8 and ur shift finished at 6, u were exhausted.

Walking into ur apartment, the familiar smell of ur apartment brought u comfort in a way. Slamming the door behind u in a huff, u stumble forward, throughing ur bag onto ur musty carpet, reminding u of how u needed to hoover soon, u reach the bed, falling face first into it, sighing into the blankets, today was a wreck, it was busier then normal, atleast 4 complaints about how u weren't pleasant to speak too, one of them was even about how ur face looked like a slapped arse the whole time, which was just uncalled for, and to top it off, Rasmus has been up to his usual shit, he first poured ur coffee out of ur cup before u shift when u went to the bathroom, he refused to do his share of work all day and just lay around the breaker room, and left early so u were alone yet again for the end of ur shift, which meant when it was extremely busy, u were the only worker there. Remembering all this only made u more annoyed and tired, so u attempted to get ur mind off it by going down Instagram, coming across a recent post of Rasmus's, it was a picture of him and some girls in bikinis at a pool, he looked so smug with that dumb smiles, u throw ur phone across the bed and got up, getting into ur comfys so u can relax properly finally.

U lay in bed, now in ur pajama shorts which had a marvel comic pasted across them, and a baggy top that was black with some quotes along the front saying 'Shit happens' in a posh font, ur friend had got u it in high school and sense u hardly wore it these days, u wear it as lounge wear.
U were watching some YouTube video of ur fav YouTuber when u hear a banging on ur door, not light knocking, no, banging, like someone was either in danger or pissed, "piss off!!" U shout, burying ur head into the pillows, guessing it was some door to door man or a drunk neighbour forgetting there apartment number, but the banging didn't stop, infact, it became worse, forcing urself to drag urself out of ur bed and stand on ur tired legs yet again, going over to ur door, unlocking it and swinging the door open ready to have a go at the person who disturbed u "are u deaf?-" u stop, looking at the person stood infront of u, drip dyed purple hair, that ripped purple top, with that choker "Rasmus? How come u knew my adress??" He looked down at u, an unamused look on his face "u wrote it down on the paper work at the shop remember? Im not a stalker, jesues." He said, rolling his eyes, barging past u into ur small apartment, u scoff at his rude actions and turn to face him "ehh, excuse me? Get out, no one said u could come in" "U opened the door right? That's all the invitation I need dumbass" he said smirking, turning to u, still looking around ur one room apartment "how do u live in this? Its so small.." He said in a disgusted tone of voice as u close the door behind u both, locking it for good measure "and it's a mess! Even thought of cleaning up." He said unimpressed, looking at u annoyed, u could never tell if he hated u or loved to mess with u, but either way, he was pissing u off "Listen! U wanted to come in! There u go! Stay here as long as u want, I don't care, just let me rest" u say yawning, wondering over to ur bed and climbing into it, grabbing a pillow to hold close to u while u turn ur phone back on to put ur video on that u were previously watching before u were abruptly and rudely disturbing.

He looked at u get into bed, a confused and slightly worried look in his face "u ok there? U look.. really tired, its only 8pm" he said, looking out ur window showing the sun was only just going down "have u been in bed sense u closed the shop?" He said, a chuckle following not long after, u don't reply, only watching ur video, feeling urself drift off slowly, he picks up on ur lack of response and understood how u didn't wanna talk much right now "hey, Ima make myself a drink, what do u have here shithead" he questioned, not expecting a response at all, wondering to the kitchen to check ur cupboards, digging out some flat Pepsi u had left for ur Gin, but guess that wasn't gonna be used for that anymore as Rasmus poured it into a glass, turning around to rest his back into the counter, downing half the glass before coming over to ur bed, sitting down on the metres next to u without asking, u scoff again at his rude and initialled way of acting and communicating, squizzing ur pillow tighter out of frustration and.. ur cheeks blush lightly, were u flustered at the idea of him being in ur bed with u?!? U bury ur head into the pillow u wer holding out of embressment and a slight bit out of shame, he notices this "genuinely, what the fuck is up with u? Ur acting creepier then normal, and that's saying something." Wow Rasmus, so kind of u, nice to speak to u too "u still haven't told me why u came here" u snap at him, he looks away from u, u didn't know why though "Rasmus? I wanna know why ur in my apartment at least" he stayed silent for a few seconds, still not looking up at u once, u lay there looking at the back of his head and neck, noticing a red tint sneak up his neck, he was blushing??? Why?? ".. u looked so tired when I left, I didn't want u to collapse or something so.. I came to check on u ok!" He snapped the last bit, turning to u with an annoyed look on his face, u were right though, he was indeed blushing, u couldn't help it, u started laughing at his face, he looked confused and slightly offended by ur actions "ay!- what's so funny!? Listen to me!!" He yelled, his face growing more and more with color, only making u laugh more.

Once u had calmed down, u lay there looking at him "so, u came here bc ur worried about me?" His eyes wondered away from u and towards somewhere else in the room "I wouldn't say worried, more, it would be a pain in my ass if u were to tired to work." He said coldly, u just smiled, he cared for u, and u could tell, even though he wouldn't admit it, u knew he had some soft place for u "well, if ur done whingeing, come on" u said, patting the empty space next to u in ur twin sized bed, smiling brightly "what?? I'm not joining u in there!! Ur ok so! I'll just get going!" He said, jumping up, u giggle, placing the back of ur hand on ur forhead in a dramatic and comedic manner "Oh! How shall thi recover from such exhumation! Without my handsome Prince to come rescue me!" He looks at u and smirks "u think I'm handsome now?" He said teasingly, u blush at that comment, u did find him attractive, but he took ur joke completely out of context "... ILL BUY U ICE-CREAM IF U GET IN THE BED ALREAD-" u were cut off by his hands covering ur mouth "fine!! its late! I don't think ur neighbours would appreciate u yelling" he said in a rushed manner, obviously trying to stay quiet but also still trying to sound tough, u smile and move his hands away from ur mouth gently, he flushed at ur expression "ur buying me two after that." He said, kicking his shoes off and jumping into bed next to u, careful to not touch u at all, u smile at ur success, putting ur video back on and resting it on a plush next to u, turning to watch it.
The video played and as u and Rasmus watched it, all u could think about was work 'what did I do to upset them?' 'Am I really that shit at my job?' 'Does my resting face really look like a slapped arse???' As ur mind ran on, u were pulled out of it by Rasmus's voice "don't overthink it." He said, u turn to look at him, he was sat up with his arms behind his head, he had taken off his black jacket and was just in his top and jeans "what do u mean??" U say, acting as if u didn't know what he meant "are u just trying to piss me off or are u just dumb, obviously I'm on about today, my 'dad' contacted me about it, saying there were some complaints about u and how I need to make sure ur doing everything right. And u looked so.. distant, I guessed u were thinking about that, right?" U look at him shocked, he knew that??? "Am I that easy to read?" U say jokingly, trying to take the edge off the situation, which was to no avail "Ya, easier then an open book" he said roughly, u didn't reply, u just lay there as u both look at each other, tears appearing in ur eyes, Rasmus looked at u in shock as u started u gently cry "sorry, i know its dumb" u said, whipping ur tears away, only to feel a pair of arms rap around u, u were confused, Rasmus was.. hugging u?? Rasmus??? What was going on? "Rasmus? U ok?" U say, teary eyed, tapping his back to make sure he was OK "don't stress urself. I mean it, u did great.. ur doing great. So don't feel like u aren't." He mumbled, pulling away blushing, u were shocked but happy, so very happy, u hug him tightly, digging ur face into his shoulder, he was surprised but tapped ur head in a reassuring manner "u feeling better now dipshit?" He said, blushing slightly ".. snuggle with me, pls?" U say, not pulling away from him, so it came out muffled by his shirt, but he still understood, the blush on his face became darker, but didn't reply, he just lay u both down as he held u close to his chest.

One of his hands rested on the back of ur head, as the other wrapped underneath ur side and held ur waist, pushing u into him, holding him close, u had ur hands wrapped around his waist, the video kept playing in the background as u both just cuddled, no words needed, the quiet room is all u both needed, u were so comfortable, u felt more safe and relaxed then u had in months, u slowly started drifting off, but u tried to force urself to stay away for Rasmus, but as u were gonna speak, he shushed u, holding u tighter "shhh, if ur tired, sleep, I won't leave ok? I'll stay till tomorrow, just rest" he said gently, he had never been this lay back sense u met him, it was nice, u didn't wanna say anything to ruin the moment so u just nodded in agreement and closed ur eyes, listening to Rasmus's breathing pattern and his heart as u slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

(HAHAA!!! 1987 words bitchesss!!! Hope this is OK for the first one ^^"
I'll write the next one soon)

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