🎀💫 DG: Hard day 💫🎀

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As u came in from work, a rush of exhaustion came over u, as u close the front door behind u and lean ageist it with a thud, sliding down it slowly as ur legs give out from underneath u, u hit the ground with a gentle thud, sitting on the ground just thinking about the day that had happened previously, the day had just been all around shitty, the moment u woke up, u had gotten a call from ur mum with shitty news that she was rushed in, as u were already late for work, a stone was smashed through the window, as u ran to work, 2 guys catcalled u, at work, Rasmus was extra bitchy and so on, u wanted to lay there and cry, forget about dinner, forget about ppl, just lay there in ur own sorrow and exhaustion, as u got the energy to look over at the smashed through window, realising ur gonna have to call up the tenant to inform him, and knowing him, u would have to pay out for it, u placed ur hands over ur head and closed ur eyes, taking many deep breaths, trying to calm down and ignore the situation u were in.

After a few moments of deep breaths, u stood up abruptly and walked over towards the the window, closing the curtains to hide it from ur sight, even tho u knew it was there even so, and the loud noises of the town spilled through the shattered glass like water, no escaping that then. U moved over to the sofa, taking ur work trousers of and stripping down to just to ur button up and ur underwear, dumping ur clothes somewhere in the livingroom, u were to drained to care, only focusing on laying on the sofa, u flop down onto the sofa, wrapping the blanket that was draped over the back of the sofa around urself, turning towards to TV and turning it on, u look for searching interesting to watch, but just like the rest of ur look, there was shit all worth watching, so u just decide to leave on some random romance movie that was on the main channel playing, u try and focus on it, but ur thoughts only drifted back to the horrible day u had only a few hours ago, u started tearing up as u slowly drifted off into a sleep, one u definitely needed.

U slowly opened ur eyes, unable to focus on anything, u could still hear the TV playing in the background, but this time, it wasn't some random movie this time, it was ur one of ur favourite series, as ur started being able to focus more on the surroundings, u heard pots clattering in the background, u sit up swiftly, looking towards the direction of the sound, only to be met with DG from ur work place "DG?? why are u here??? How did u get in???" U questioned, still not completely awake yet. U and DG had been seeing each other out of work hours for a few months now, and it was going amazing, he seemed very careful and gentle, well, most the time, and u had given him the code to ur apartment so its no suprise he got in but why? "I noticed u at work today, u seemed out of it, and I was worried so I popped by, and turns out u were asleep" he said with a cheery tone, not even sparing u a glace, only cleaning the left over dishes in the sink, from his cooking??? He turned to face u, that grin plastered on his face as always "sorry if I went passed ur boundaries letting myself in cutie" he continued, grabbing a plate from the kitchen counter and bring it to u, placing it on the table infront of u and plonking himself next to u, resting his head on his hand as he smiled at u brightly "I made u some food sense u didn't seem to have eaten lunch today! Its not the best but u didn't have much in so I had to make do" he said, leaning back on the sofa and looking at the TV "OH!! And I thought u might want this show on! I noticed u watch it a lot on ur phone at work, not a bad show, not my taste but its definitely better then whatever u had on before I got here" he physically shivered at the thought of it "that was cringy.." He squinted at the the TV, u just looked at him stunned, then back at the meal on the table "u.. cooked this for me??" U question quietly, all he did was raise an eyebrow at u, the look of 'isn't it obvious' plastered across every feature on his face "no, I had the rats do it" he stated sarcastically, tho, with the confidence in his tone, u would have definitely believed it if wasn't so out there, u just smile and pick up the plate and place it onto ur legs, and then slowly start eating it, it tasted.. really good! U continued to eat it and focus on the show, u occasionally glaced at DG, who was staring at the TV with a small smirk on his face, a face that showed he was proud of something, but sometimes he was looking at u with that smirk, which only made ur heart skip a beat everytime he did.

U placed the empty plate into the sink, taking a deep sigh, admiring the food made by the man on ur sofa, u smile as u slowly wonder back over to him, he looks up at u and smiles brightly "U seemed to have enjoyed it darling" he states, u only nod in response, leaning down and kissing him on the forhead as a thank u, as u pull away, u notice his eye narrowing and his smirk widening "is that all I'm getting?" He teased, u blush at his words, but before u could respond, he pulls u down next to him, wrapping one of his arms around ur waist to make sure u stay close "oh welllll, I'll let u off sense u seemed to have had a  bad day, I won't let u off next time though" he gleamed, still looking at the TV, all u did was smile and lean onto him, resting ur legs across his, he places is free hand across ur legs, preventing u from falling off or leaving him in any way, he grabbed the blanket u had previously wrapped urself in as he slowly places it over the both of u. As u watch another few episodes, u both slowly start to drift off, as the episode finishes, u look over at DG only to find him sound asleep, as peaceful as he looked, he seemed really aware at the same time, like at the drop of a needle he could wake up, but u didn't mind that, u loved that about him actually, u leaned back onto him and closed ur eyes, slowly falling asleep to his heartbeat, only being able to be thankful for the man u took care of u all day.

1216 words!!! Sorry if this story isn't the best, it's quite rushed, I'll work more on the next one.
Suggestion by Vaolffox0515 hope this was OK ^^

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