‼️❤️‍🔥Damon's new pet❤️‍🔥‼️

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‼️Kidnapping, assault, abuse, SA, choking and gore, read at ur own risk‼️

Ur eyes slowly open, ur head was banging, it felt like u had been kicked in the back of ur head multiple times, uneasy slowly set in, u were on a dirty stone cold floor, ur knees close to ur chest, ur hand wrapped around a pole behind u, ur eyes widened with fear, ur wrists and ankle were tighed together tightly, tight enjoy that if u pull to hard it could cut ur circulation off, u went to yell for help but u were stopped by the gag that had been wrapped around ur head to stop u from speaking, u look down at urself as u become more panicked, A green button up shirt, one u had gone to sleep in that night, feeling ur chest, and.. that was it!!?? No pants?? Or even shorts??? Just a shirt! Whoever was keeping u here wasn't just a phycho, but a perverted one at that! Ur nose wrinkles with disgust at the idea of anyone seeing ur naked body without u concent.

U were alone right now, that was for certain, but u still had an itchy feeling in the back of ur head telling u that u weren't, that someone was there and they were watching u.. making sure u didn't do anything stupid or rash, the feeling made u look around ur surrounding more closely, it was some kind of basement sure, but it wasn't one u had been in before, there were weapons of all sorts around u, saws, hammers, wrenches of all sizes, none in ur reach tho, in a dark patch to ur left, all u could see is boxes and a small airing window, whoever took u was obviously not the smartest, bc they had left the window open a slight bit, of course, the window was to small to fit through, but u could still shout for the attention of someone walking by if u were lucky, but u thought u better wait, the person might hear u, and who knows what they will do if they figure out ur awake. U turn ur head to look to ur right, showing a wooden, beaten door which seemed to be the only door in the room, meaning that most likely was were the exit was, and most likely, the person holding u here.

U were lost in thought, thinking about how to get out of ur restrains till soft foot steps were heard coming closer to the door to ur right 'shit!' The door opened gently, revealing one of ur regulars at ur work place, Damon, he came in one day and then constantly came anytime u were working, ur coworkers warned u on how creepy he acted but u brushed it off as them being overdramatic or wanting to make things shitty for u, god u wished u had believed them, then maybe u wouldn't be in this situation. Ur thoughts continued to spiral as he walked past u, not even looking at u, heading straight towards the tools that hung on the wall across from u, ur heart began to race, 'why did he need them..????' He grabbed a hold of the hammer, throwing around gently in his hand, seeing how heavy it was, he had his back facing towards u, as if u weren't there, just as u were about to speak, about to ask why the fuck he was holding u here, what he wanted, he slammed the hammer down ageist the counter infront of him, smashing the marble counter, that definitely shut u up.

His breath was heavy, the power he had put into that hit was obviously no joke.. u looked at him closely, despite the darkness, u could make out what he was wearing, black, baggy jeans, with a studied belt rapped around the top loosely, his top was a gray vest top, ripped slightly at the bottom, and his hair was pulled up into a low lazy ponytail, showing off his muscular back and shoulders, u couldn't deny it, if u weren't in this situation, u might have found him attractive like this, but of course, u would never feel anything for ur captor, ever. He turned around abruptly after catching his breath, the hammer still held in his right-hand, looking directly at u, eye to eye, the silence between u both was deafening, a bead of sweat fell down ur neck to ur chest, till he broke the tension, "got something to say darling? U seem to be staring at me a lot, see something u like??" He said, weirdly happily, blush covering his cheeks, looking at u with eyes telling u he was wanting this for a while, u didn't reply, just stared at him with daggers in ur eyes "darling? Don't be so mad, this was my only option! U didn't notice my feeling.. this was my last option.." He said, the last bit seeming less upbeat then his normal tone, his face darkened along with his words.. that just pissed u off more "I don't give a fuck for the reasoning! JUST LET ME THE FUCK GO U CREEP!" U screamed, tears appearing in ur eyes, ur body shaking out of fear and anger, this creep was blaming u for u being kidnapped??? Bullshit.

He looked at u with wide eyes, his lips rested, no longer in his oddly happy smile, but now turned down like u had just to him u had murdered his mother, the blush on his face still remained, he didn't say anything, but walked towards u, making u shuffle back into the pole further out of instinct. He knelt down to ur height, staring at into ur eyes with a unnerving darkness in them, he raised his hand close to ur face, u close ur eyes, expecting him to punch u, hit u, something, but instead, he just wiped the small droplets in ur eyes, u opened ur eyes slowly to look at him yet again, he was now smiling gently, his eyes still dark though. "Ur so beautiful my love, so goergues, so.. perfect, and all mine, all mine!♡" he uttered under his breath to u, u were complemented.. wait- what??? U were complemented by this creep??? God, the situation was already getting to ur head "just!- let me go!" U said sternly, pulling ur head away from his touch, he looked hurt, the smile disappearing yet again.

"U hate me so much, u won't even let me touch u.." He muttered, leaning back slightly "...no. I'm not letting u go, never!" He shouted, grabbing u by the throat, pulling u close to his, forcing u into a passionate kiss, if that was the right word, u were taken by suprise but u tried to pull away, rigging ur whole body, but to no avail, but just as u about to get away, he dropped the hammer onto the floor, rushing to place his hand on ur waist, feeling it up and down over the top of ur shirt, holding u in place, his touch was so electric and yet so threatening, u hated it so much but loved it at the same time, he licked ur bottom lip gently, before u could do anything, he pushed his tongue in, making u shiver, u felt disgusted but yet, flustered.. u didn't want this! U bit down on his tongue with as much strength as u could, he pulled back with a yelp, bring a hand away from ur face and felt his tongue where u had bit him, pulling his fingers away, blood covered the tips of his fingers, he looked up at u, blood dripping down his chin from his mouth that was curved into a sadistic smile, his eyes squinting with lust plastered all over them.

"Oh darling~" he sang, putting his hand up the shirt u were put into, feeling ur bare stomach and waist roughly and yet so gently, u winced and whinned at the touch, trying to kick him with ur restrained legs, only for him to grab them and put them over one of his shoulders, u felt so exposed, but u weren't able to think nor care, his free hand grabbed ur throat, choking u gently, u starring breathing heavily, unable to breath and the feeling of his hand wondering ur torse only made u even more oversimulated, u looked at Damon, who was panting.. was he?? Horny just from looking at u!!?? This creep!! U went to scream at him till he tightened his grip around ur throat, making u gag, which only made his face even more red, his grin became bigger, his teeth looked like sharks teeth, not helped by the amount of blood from his tongue, god u felt sick just looking at this phycho, "u know, that move u pulled during our kiss has consequences..~" he smirked, obviously ur face must have been one to remember at that moment, u really hadn't thought that through when u did it at all, now ur so very fucked, more then u already were "look!! Ur keeping me here!! Isn't that enough payment?- HEY!!" U yell as he grabs the hammer from the floor next to him "I'm sorry my darling, but I can't risk my new toy escaping" he said, lining the hammer up to ur legs that were stretched across his shoulder "NO!!! DAMON!! PLS!!! I WON'T LEAVE!! JUST PLS DONT-" u were cut off by the sound of the hammer hitting the side of ur knees with a sickening crack of the bone being smashed in ur left leg, u let out an agonising scream, tears rolling down ur face as the pain spread all over ur leg, it was agonising, u felt faint from screaming, Damon just smiled, happy with his work, moving ur legs off his shoulder, as blood started pooling around ur legs, all u could do is scream and cry, he just shush u gently "shhhhh, its ok darling, it will stop soon♡" he whispered into ur ear, he then stood up, going over to the counter he had previously smashed with the same hammer that had just broken ur knee, he washed the blood off his hands, taking his time to clean them thursley, even with ur screaming behind him.

U looked down at ur leg, looking at the bloody, black and blue mess he had made it, there was no chance that it would heal properly without medical attention, this man was more then just a creep, he was a full blown fucking phycho! The pain slowly wore off, or maybe u just got used to the feeling, but whenever it happened, u felt so tired, so so tired, u looked st ur leg, u couldn't see it well at all, nah it was none of the above, u were passing out due to blood lose, the blood had spread everywhere, u started to slowly shut ur eyes, but before u were completely out, u hear 3 words..

"My little pet♡"

(1844 words!!! Sorry if it's not the best, I'm very tired rn personally, pls do suggest who to do next!)

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