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────── LOCKING her apartment, michelle left the door closed as she got an invitation by carlos to sit with him and a few other drivers, including her friend, lily. her high waisted and wide legged black trouser touched the ground hiding her white nike shoes that she wore, with the black crop top that was covered by the large white shirt, that she left it's buttons opened.

michelle held her phone in her hand, as she went down the stairs, she made her way into the nightclub inside the hotel, as she walked in further looking for her friends. her vision caught them, as she smiled at them welcoming herself, leaving a hug to each one of drivers and lily.

carlos smiled at michelle whom sat between him and lily, with a smile on her mouth, " finally you came, i can't even imagine being without you " he teased earning a chuckled from michelle as she shook her head at him.

carlos regarded michelle as more than just a friend; she was someone he deeply cared for. her kindness, and her unwavering support touched him in a way that went beyond mere friendship. he admired her strength and resilience, especially in the face of the challenges she had overcome. he found himself drawn to her, not just as a friend, but as someone he could see himself with, someone he could share his life and his dreams with. carlos knew that michelle was special, and he cherished their friendship more than words could express.

" i missed you too, querido " michelle scrunched her nose as she left a smile on her lips, the woman cherished her friendship with carlos more than words could convey. he was not just a close friend but also someone she admired and trusted. his support and understanding were pillars in her life, especially during her toughest moments. michelle knew that carlos was someone she could always count on, and she treasured their friendship dearly.

as lily leaned her head on michelle's chest, teasingly asking, " did you miss me " michelle chuckled, looking down at her friend with affection, her hand gently stroking lily's hair.

" how could i not miss my esposa " michelle replied with a grin, glancing over at carlos, who chuckled beside her. she leaned her head on carlos' chest for a few seconds, feeling a deep sense of comfort in his presence, knowing he understood the unique bond she shared with lily, as their playful banter filled the air. carlos, ever the understanding friend, shared in their laughter.

" what, i am supposed to be your spouse " lando quipped, his british accent adding to the humor of his remark. carlos, michelle, and lily chuckled, shaking their heads in unison at his playful comment.

michelle's gaze shifted towards carlos, confusion knitting her brow. " where's charles " she queried, scanning the nightclub for any sign of him, as she failed to find him.

" he mentioned feeling tired," carlos responded casually, his eyes briefly meeting michelle's before drifting away. " perhaps you should pay him a visit " the suggestion caught michelle off guard, her initial response a vehement denial.

" no, maybe i'll be disturbing him " she stammered, a flush of uncertainty coloring her cheeks.

carlos' tone shifted slightly, a hint of insistence creeping in. " i wasn't suggesting, michelle. since you inquired about him, it might be best if you checked on him," he reasoned, his gaze steady on her. he knew her too well, able to discern the subtlest nuances of her emotions.

─── ───

michelle's heart raced as she made her way to charles' apartment, her mind swirling with a mix of nervousness and fear. she couldn't shake the feeling that this visit could change everything between them, and the uncertainty gnawed at her insides.

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