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────── CHARLES' feelings towards michelle are a mix of genuine interest and intrigue. initially drawn to her by her unique personality and interests, he finds himself captivated by her shy yet endearing nature. as he gets to know her more, he discovers a kind-hearted and thoughtful individual, which only deepens his admiration. charles is impressed by michelle's intelligence and wit, finding her company refreshing and enjoyable. he is hopeful about the potential for a deeper connection and looks forward to spending more time with her, eager to see where their budding relationship might lead.

pierre could see the sparkle in charles' eyes as he recounted their conversations and the way michelle made him feel. encouraging his friend, pierre teased charles gently about his newfound crush, knowing how rare it was for charles to be so taken with someone. charles laughed, grateful for pierre's support and advice, feeling optimistic about what the future might hold with michelle.

currently, the two drivers, pierre and charles, sat inside the living room, as they sat together, charles leaned in slightly, his voice lowering as he spoke to pierre about michelle.
" you know, pierre, meeting michelle was like a breath of fresh air. she's unlike anyone i've ever met before. the way she talks, and her shyness, her whole personality, it's endearing. i find myself wanting to spend more time with her, to get to know her better. but at the same time, i'm cautious. i don't want to rush things or make her feel uncomfortable. i just... i really like her, pierre. je n'ai jamais ressenti cela à propos de quelqu'un auparavant."

pierre listened intently, nodding in understanding. " i get it, charles. michelle seems like a wonderful person. and you're right to take things slow, especially if you really care about her. just be yourself, and let things unfold naturally. if it's meant to be, it will happen."

charles smiled gratefully, feeling reassured by pierre's words. " thanks, pierre. i appreciate your advice. j'espère juste pouvoir rassembler le courage de lui dire ce que je ressens."

" you will, charles," pierre said, clapping him on the back. " and when you do, i'm sure she'll feel the same way about you. "

" merci, ami " charles encouraged a smile upon his lips, feeling the comfort of having pierre beside him. " i'll see you later " he embraced his friend, whom had a few things to accompany, before pierre left, leaving charles all alone in the room.

his eyes wandered at his watch, curious to see the time, as it was twelve a.m.

he thought and thought, until an idea was newly born. charles decided he would surprise michelle with breakfast. he quickly made his way to the cafeteria, his mind buzzing with excitement.

─── ───

once there, he swiftly ordered a lavish breakfast spread, making sure to include all of michelle's favorites. with the food in tow, he headed to michelle's room, his heart pounding with anticipation. as he knocked on her door, he couldn't help but feel a surge of nervousness mixed with excitement.

still wearing her pajamas and her glasses, michelle greeted charles as she opened the door while fixing her hair. her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of charles holding a tray of delicious breakfast items. " charles, what are you doing here " she exclaimed, a mix of confusion and delight evident in her voice.

charles smiled warmly, presenting the tray to her. " i thought i'd surprise you with breakfast," he said, his eyes twinkling. michelle's heart fluttered at the gesture, feeling a rush of warmth towards him.

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