A Scholar's Rotunda

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"So, if you wish to help me, what is the plan?"

Amora thought for a moment as she sat over her homework, ironically homework for Trigonometry, "I don't know..." she sighed.

Cobalt huffed, from his phantom place in her room, "Look I'm sorry!" Amora exclaimed.

"Chickadee, you are a smart girl, I believe you will be able to figure out this mess we are in."

"I've searched as much as I can search on the internet about ghosts and ascension. Cobalt, I know as much as you do, we need to figure out your unfinished business! Since no one alive or dead knows how you died we have to find out how you died, yet you don't remember what happened and I wasn't even 3 yet and, oh yeah, I was in America!" She vented.

"Sorry that I died at a very inconvenient time for you," Cobalt remarked with a high level of sass, "Your math is also incorrect!"

Amora groaned, loudly, before the door to her room opened and Loki entered.

"What are we groaning at?" she asked, approaching Amora's desk, and looking over her shoulder, "Ewe math."

"Just having a bit of trouble," Amora muttered with a sigh.

"I can't help you out, lovely, I'm sorry," Loki replied, settling herself into the plush palace that is her bed, "I asked Odis and Lance about books on Supernatural stuff, and they don't have anything that isn't fiction."

"That's fine," the blond girl huffed.

"You're really into the supernatural, huh?"

Amora thought for a moment. She may enjoy the supernatural and studying a subject, she isn't obsessed with, yet her current predicament makes her seem fixated, "It's just currently a fascination recently."

Loki hummed, settling into her bed, "Ya' know if you are this obsessed, you should check the rotunda," the British girl remarked.

"The rotunda?" Amora asked.

"It's the school's library" Loki answered, adjusting her headphones, "It's in the rotunda, off the study hall."

Amora nodded, tomorrow's Friday she'll have time to spend all the time she wanted in the library... if she could find it first.

The following morning, Amora ventured into the maze of the academy. Now actually enjoy Cobalt's ethereal company as he guided her through the old halls to the library. After

The following morning, Amora ventured into the maze of the academy. Now, he actually enjoyed Cobalt's ethereal company as he guided her through the old halls to the library. After waving to a few new friends who had taken positions in the study hall, Amora made her way to the library,

A quiet spire full of bookshelves upon bookshelves in between columns and spiraling staircases with some nooks where one could sit, study, and read. It's a book lover's wet dream, really. In the middle of the rotunda is a large Mahogany checkout station, with stacks of books covering the surface. A melancholic-looking woman with voluminous auburn hair with milky white streaks in her hair that curled around her round peachy cheeks.

"Welcome to the rotunda," the woman remarked, quietly.

God, why does everyone here sound so depressed and monotone?

"Good morning," Amora chirped.

"A little too chirper there, chickadee," Cobalt chuckled.

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