𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐡[𝟑]

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Eliana laid in her light blue room on her black comforter covered bed, thinking about what her mother told her. "He's your father, Eli. And I can't get back together with him, we'd both get hurt.", it had only been three days since that conversation about Daryl. The only thing she could do was try to help out Deanna with anything she could and read. It wasnt much but she couldn't think about anything else but hiding herself in work or the interesting story of Romeo and Juliet.

Eliana knew about the party tonight, Deanna was throwing a welcome party for everyone that Aaron and her brought back. Eliana was trying to figure out what to wear, this would be the first time she would see Rowan in a less embarrasing or harsh situation.

He was another thing she couldn't get out of her mind. She over analyzed their conversations, regretting some of the things she said to him. She told him about Daryl, the relationship between them that was practically nonexistent. She told him about Christian and her childhood, despite the age difference and the adoption, they were as close as two siblings could be.

Eliana's eyes followed the words in her book, but she couldn't even focus on what she was reading. She closes her eyes with a sigh, she would have to read the chapter all over again. Her brain wasn't letting her relax.

A knock on my bedroom door caught her attention, "Yes?" she calls out. She finally had someone to distract her.

"Eliana?" The sound of Christian's voice made her sit up from the comfortable bed. "I'm coming in," he warns, opening the door slowly. As he entered she placed the dried flower into the book, marking her page, her eyes meet his as he closes the door.

"Mom said you haven't left your room in three hours, whats up?" Christian asks, making himself comfortable on Eliana's bed. She sat criss-crossed as he tucks his ankle under his knee, "I can't figure out what to wear to the party," she admitted, making him laugh. She pouts at her older brother, "Don't laugh at me," she slaps his arm as he laughs harder.

It takes Christian a few moments to collect himself, "Don't worry, anything you wear will be good enough. Maybe we should match," he suggested as he walked to her closet. Christian stared at the array of clothing she had, which wasn't much. When his eyes find a pair of black overall shorts and a cute light blue and white tie-dyed long sleeve shirt that made her look young.

Christian always gave Eliana the ability to act like a teenager despite how dangerous the world was now. He would protect her no matter what. No matter if it meant if he would die. Even if his death would be painful and bloody.

"I found one," Christian admits happily, holding the outfit up. "I am going to go change now, let me know when you're done," He requests as he places the clothes on her bed, leaving the room quite quickly and excitedly. Elaina shook her head with a smile, I swear, he gets excited over anything and everything.

Elaina had made herself comfortable on a couch in Deanna and Reg's house, she got there two hours prior. Eliana was patiently waiting for some excitement, whether it was a petty argument or some kind of fist fight. Her brother was leaning against a wall, busy trying to subtly flirt with Michonne-the key word was trying. She knew exactly what he was doing, and she allowed him to. Can't blame her, Christian has a way with women. And men. And any other person who he thought was hot.

No one could resist the Christian Martian Charm.

Elaina hated the feeling of eyes on her, she could sense it quite easily and hated how tense it made. She looked as a few neighbors looked to her unintentionally, she felt herself starting to shrink into the couch when a hand landed onto her shoulder. Her head lifts up slightly, eyes slowly looking up above her.

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