Page 5: final page

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Flo slides back and Sara is angry energy exuding from her right eye

Sara: I'm done

Sara runs at Flo but flo smiles and lifts his hands

Flo: lightning demon!

Electricity, thunder, and lightning starts coming down and Sara is surprised as it lands down on Flo and flo moves his hand down and throws a lightning demon strike at her and Sara dodged so flo and Sara run at each other exuding huge amount of energy/aura from there whole body


Flo smiles as the TEOF mark starts to spread and it even spreads to his mouth and then Sara teleport's above flo and lands on the floor then she moves her arms in a circle so fast she starts taking the air and then she tries to strike Flo but it fails as Flo dodged and electrocuted her face and she flies back then Flo strikes her barely missing her head and she has a mark of blood

She looks at flo in fear as flo kicks her in the stomach and she puked blood then a portal appeared on the roof of the room ahd eijbfalls down but latched onto the walls with Riot

Flo: eon!

Jin smiles

Jin: you're doing well eon

Eon falls down and lands safely then Eon swipes so hard and fast he made condensed air lethal and cuts Sara in half Flo then smiled and falls on his back

Flo: I can go home now

Flo says as he bleeds from his mouth a little bit then eon smiles

Jin: I'm sorry little brother

Jin says with sadness

Jin: what have I made... I made a monster and he controls my power... Oh no

Eon walks to Flo and tries to punch a hole in his stomach but then flo dodged and cut Eon's head off killing eon

But then eon comes back to life and Flo looks with fear as eon uses riot to reattach his head

Flo: I'm outta here, don help please!!

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The next manga is stickmania split personality

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