𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫 𝐉𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬[𝟒]

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Last night, Eliana got into a bit of a fight with Beatrice about Daryl, and why she didn't want them to have anything to do with him. It was rough and heartbreaking, which caused her to run out of the house late last night.

Eliana was hiding out on the roof of the armory, not wanting anything to do with her mom until she wasn't upset with her anymore. She refused to let up, telling Eliana that if she wanted to have a relationship with him she could, but her mother didn't want anything to do with him. She wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone right now, so she just watched the world around her.

Eliana did sleep until sunrise, then Olivia kicked her off the roof. She wasn't mean about it. Her head ached slightly, wishing she could just go home but she didn't want to face her. So Eliana went to Aarons, where him and Daryl were talking in the garage.

It had been about a week since the dinner at Aaron and Eric's house. Aaron had promised Eliana three months ago that she would help him with fixing up the motorcycle, so she decided to observe Daryl while he fixed it up. It was quite an interesting week. They ended up getting it finished two days ago.

She didn't know how to feel about Daryl. She didn't know if she would consider him her father yet, but he was allowing himself to get to know her. We held small conversations, mainly about the motorcycle or about her. He didn't really talk about himself that much. She didn't really expect him to honestly... he was a very closed-off person. Probably one of the few things that they had in common.

Elaina also didn't like telling many people about herself. Especially nowadays. You could lose anyone to anything. No one stayed very long.

Once Eliana got closer to the garage, Aaron noticed her walking up. Hey, Eli. Ready to go recruiting?" he exclaims with excitement, making her wince at how loud he was. Both of the men in front of her noticed it. Daryl quirked his eyebrow while Aaron took in her appearance better, "You okay?" he asked, and her chest tightened.

She fake a smile, "I'm okay, Aaron. I just got into a fight with Mom last night and slept on the roof of the armory. Like usual," she admits with a sarcastic underlying tone. He knew her too well to know when she lied, and Daryl had this sense of people that made it hard to allow a lie to slip right past him.

The looks Eliana received made her shrink back, they both wanted to know more. She would tell them more about what happened, she was just too tired to right now. "What time are we headin' out?" Elaina asked, tying her tangled up mess of hair into a bun on the back of her neck.

"In a few, go get your stuff and we'll head on out," Aaron smiles softly, motioning her to go. She hated the idea of going home, but if it was only for a few minutes then she was willing to suffer before going out.

Eliana nodded as he turns away, "See you in a few," she shouts as she sprints home. It only took about a two-minute run to get home, as she stomped up the porch steps she could hear the faint yelling of Christian inside the house. She slowed her pace, sneaking into the house.

"Do you have any idea how much this entire situation is hurting, Ana? The fact you won't even look in Daryl's direction?" Christian yells from inside the living room, the sound of plates crashing into the sink coming from the kitchen.

"You wouldn't understand, Chris," Eliana could hear her desperate voice call out, making her stop in my tracks.

"Wouldn't understand what, Mom?" he shouts, the sound of his angered voice makes her shrink back in faint fear. He has never yelled at their mom before, he wasn't like that. He knew better. He knew yelling and screaming made the young girl anxious and scared. That was why he was only yelling at that moment, when he thought she wouldn't come back home. "Explain yourself, if not to Eliana then to me! You sure as hell trust me more than her at this point," his words hurt the girl. Despite her knowing he didn't mean it like that, that didn't mean it didn't sting all the same.

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