18: Debates

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Chapter 18: Debates 

"I don't understand," Lucy said once again to Shona as they stood in the Transfiguration courtyard discussing the monster that had naturally spread across the whole school as all the students had returned. 

"The monster has to be from the medevial islands." Shona replied, she was beggining to lose her patience with the girl. 

"But why? They aren't real! They're from a little fairy tale." 

"Then where did the monster come from?" 

"The same place the troll came from at Hallowe'en, silly!" 

Shona glared at Lucy as they began walking to class as the bell sounded. The two couldn't agree on where the monster was from, Lucy was firm about the idea that the medieval islands while Shona believed that they were completely real. 

"Lucy and McGuire!" Someone yelled from behind and the two girls turned around to find Snape running towards them. 

"Oh no, what does capeman want?" Shona groaned, throwing her head back as though she wanted to be anywhere but here. "I swear he stalks us...or you..." 

"He does worry a lot..." Lucy sighed just as Snape caught up with them. 

"Professor Dumbledore wishes to know what happened about the thing you fought yesterday, it seems that he's very worried about why it was there." Snape said while catching his breath. 

"But I didn't participate in the fighting," Lucy pointed out but Snape shook his head while he took a staggering breath. 

"He still wants to speak to you too." 

The two girls looked at each other then followed Snape's lead to Dumbledore's office. When they reached the door Snape knocked and was allowed in where Dumbledore waited patiently at his desk, Fred and George stood in the corner of the room and Fred seemed to turn a very bright shade of red when he saw Lucy. 

"Miss Snape, Miss McGuire and Severus, I'm so glad you could make it." Dumbledore smiled, whilst peering over his gold rimmed spectacles. 

"I was lucky to find the girls, they were just hurrying off to their first lesson," Snape replied blankly. 

"Hurrying?" Shona scoffed and Snape glared at her use of sarcasm, once again.

"Now, as I was saying to Mr Weasley and Mr Weasley, the question that appears to be on all of our minds is that how did the monster get there? Do you three have any suggestions." 

"Lucy thinks it came from the same place as the troll!" Shona blurted out and Lucy quickly stood on her foot causing her to yelp. 

"Poor choice of words, Miss McGuire," Dumbledore chuckled. "But I think Miss Snape can speak for herself." 

"Sorry, Professor, I believe that it came from the medevial islands but Lucy thinks I'm barking." 

"You are barking!" Lucy snapped. "The medieval islands aren't real!" 

"But where is your proof, Miss Snape?" Dumbledore asked as Shona stood their smugly. 

"And where is your proof?" Lucy snapped. 

"Lucy!" Snape barked. 

"I'm afraid to see this but, Lucy does have a point, neither of us have proof," Dumbledore bowed his head but Lucy suddenly whipped out the tale of the knights out of her bag. 

"This - " she pointed at the book and all attention was on her. "Is a tale!"

"But the story hasn't finished! It's for us to find out!" Shona gasped excitedly. 

"Don't be silly! I'm not getting involved in nonsense, by all means go ahead but you can count me out!"

"But it is real! This isn't a beedle the bard tale! This is real and we all know it!" 

"Don't be - wait, what?" 

"Beedle the bard! Honestly, Lucy, you need educating." 

"Well, excuse me for being homeless for five years in the muggle world!" 

"ENOUGH!" Snape yelled, snatching the book from Lucy's hands and holding it above his head so there wasn't a chance in hell that she could reach it. But as he did a piece of paper fell out of it, and it happened to be the piece of paper that held the image of the exact monster that had been killed yesterday. 

Snape bent down to pick it up, he studied the picture then flipped it over. His eyes darted to and fro as he read the note on the back then looked up from the letter. 

"I'm afraid...that McGuire is correct, the medieval islands are real..."

*     *     * 

"Stop sulking, Lucy," Snape said as she sat in his quarters, the tale of the knights resting on her lap and the note sat on top of it. Snape sat next to her as she stared blankly ahead, completely ignoring his presence. 

"I shan't, the medevial islands aren't real," she hissed, although she was close to tears and her face showed that she was all wrong. "I know it." 

"I know you don't want to believe they're not real but I'm afraid they are, besides, why are you so worried?" 

Lucy stood up, causing the book to fall from her lap. "Didn't you hear what Shona said? She thinks that we're going to start fighting." 

"For what exactly?" 

Lucy gave him an obvious look but he still didn't understand. "The medieval islands are supposed to hold evil and they want to take over the wizarding world, start an apocalypse even. In theory, if we want to keep them away someone has got to fight to destroy them if we don't...well, we're dead. They'll never be another wizard or witch to walk the earth." 

"Lucy," Snape whispered, pulling her onto his lap. "It won't be us that keeps them away, you and McGuire are far too young and I don't have time to save the world, I have test papers to mark and lessons to teach." Snape said matter-of-factly causing Lucy to smile slightly. "McGuire has become too excited over the fact that she got to fight something that was completely ridiculous, don't believe what she says, I never do." 

"But what if we do?" 

"We won't, trust me." 

"Where's your proof?" 

"Where's your proof that we will?" 

"Touché," Lucy smiled and Snape couldn't help but return one himself. "But are you sure?" 

"I'm positive." 

After that, Lucy went up to her room and decided to look through the tale of the knights again but she skipped the gory bits...which meant almost all the book so she looked at the piece of paper with the monster on it instead. 

She picked it up and studied the picture once again with the monster and the men trying to fight it off surrounding it but then when Lucy flipped it over she was met with quite a shock, for the note had changed.

As you may have realised that the tale isn't finished and that I have taken it out for reasons that you do not need to know. But in the meantime I suggest you read on and find out the dangers of the future, please don't believe that this note is old because it's brand new and has been written for the safety of those whom have encountered the monster on the other side of this piece of parchment. Here are a few tips that I suggest you follow in the near future: 

1.) The medieval islands are REAL, don't be fooled by the 'tale' part of this book, this was not written out of enjoyment this is something to warn the descendants of Merlin and Sebastian as well as others who live in the wizarding world. 

2.) There are new rulers of the medieval islands, times have changed and generations have extended. Although the current leader of the islands is unknown we know he is going to be the leader when they attack the wizarding world next. 

3.) Be prepared...Lucy Snape. 

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