imagine ♥︎ seok matthew pt. 2

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you put your headphones on and played episode one of whostands?, your heart beating wildly out of your chest. you weren't sure what you were expecting to see, but the introduction scene was fine and edited nicely - no funny business.

trouble started when matthew handed you his blazer, the caption of the show reading: [is hyekyo already attracting the other contestants?]. annoying. he was just being nice.

and then the scenes from inside your bedroom started playing, which you knew about and prepared for. as soon as jackson walked in, the editing made you look bad: [hyekyo barely spares him a glance.]. you almost expected this kind of thing being the only woman. everyone's screen time was completely fine and edited nicely, except for yours. all of the rude comments jackson made were mostly cut out except for the first comment about the bunk bed. they cut out all of his whining.

the editors kept the conversation between you and zhang yi, thankfully. then you left and the camera stayed inside the room. you watched as jackson talked about how rude and unbecoming you were to him, and of course the editors kept that in.

but then it cut to an individual interview with zhang yi: "hyekyo is incredibly kind and sisterly. i don't know why anyone would have an issue with her."

and then it cut to jackson: "there's something very pompous about her. she's so kind that it almost makes me sick. i wonder if she's doing it for the show, but i think the way she treats me is the way she really is. you have to watch out for people like that."

you rolled your eyes as the episode cut back to you coming into the room with matthew, the caption reading: [brought another contestant to her room.]

they showed you giving him his blazer back but they cut out any conversation. so this is how they were gonna play it? they were gonna make you the big bad wolf and jackson the little piggy in the straw house?

a text from ahyeong dropped down on your screen. she told you to get ready in casual clothes and meet her at the studio in the dorm. you got ready, not bothering with makeup (you really didn't need it anyway), and you put on a pair of basketball shorts and a cropped tank top, pairing it with your brown nike high tops. you grabbed your laptop and put your headphones around your neck.

you walked through the hall and into the commons, finding jiwoong eating breakfast. he spotted you and waved you over, offering you a bite of his pancake. you took his fork, because you were not about to let the editors villainize you again, and took the bite.

"how did you sleep?" he asked.

you finished your bite and sighed. "i slept okay. you?"

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