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But I know, there's an abyss inside me

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But I know, there's an abyss inside me

하지만 나는 알아, 내 안의 심연

"you're so pretty" she mumbled leaning on his back as her hand caressed his snowy white wings that seemed to reflect the light.

he winced when her ring tugged on his feather but didn't make a move to comment on them keeping his mouth shut.

"If you want my wings we could trade"

"no, you're not going to rip them out" she deadpanned slapping his hand away...


'my hobby is reading serialized novels on the subway on my way home from work'

Dokja sighed internally, slumping in his seat as he gazed at his screen phone, the novel he had grown to adore displayed on his screen.

He glances at Sangah who is busy studying Spanish, and looks towards his screen phone.

'what a lame hobby'

His eyes went dull at the thought, he shut off his phone and lifted his face,

'Yu sangha was different from me, of course, she would be promoted, but she gave it all while all I do is read web novels'

Though I never would have guessed that lame hobby would come in handy one day.


His calloused hand wrapped around my neck tightly as he let me dangle over the bridge, his sharp cold eyes boring into me warily.

"What a strange name" he commented upon learning my name.

This very man who's currently strangling me is Yu Junghyeok, the regressor.

As much as I want to unleash my inner fanboy I'm currently forced between life and death situation so I guess I'll just have to worry about that later.

I liked you, hated you, resented you, and cheered for you,

I was with you throughout your thousandth journey.

And the first thing you did when I met you was strangle me and throw me over the bridge.

How sweet.

I watch as your lips pull into a taunting smirk as you watch me fall before getting consumed by these monsters.

What a gentleman you are Yoo junghyeok.


I remember all the bruises and injuries I would obtain from Song Minwoo and his lackeys.

I dreaded coming to school every single day, not wanting to see your face not great your voice.

The light teasing they like to call it, pushing me around and ordering me as if I'm your slave.

It was infuriating.

Seeing how other students would laugh alongside you as they gaze down at my pathetic form.

I hate it.

And then you called me a murderer son, joking how I would kill you one day.

Was it amusing to ruin my life?

I bet my life was an entertainment for you to pass your time.

My whole life was humiliating.



M/n tilted his head down, giving his son his full attention "Yes?"

"do-yun hungry" the boy blinked up at m/n innocently.

M/n sighed and handed him the rice crackers he was feeding Eunwoo.

"that's all we have for now" m/n apologize patting his head.

Do-Yun hummed and just nodded, eating the snack given to him.

"eh!" Eun-woo made a sound of protest upon seeing his brother eating his food.

He squirms in the baby carrier, his tiny fist flailing around in anger.

"eh!!" m/n quickly handed him another rice cracker, worried he would start wailing in the middle of the street.

Eunwoo grew quiet, nibbling on the food making m/n sigh in relief

"Are we gonna see Mama?" do-yun grips on m/n hands looking up at him hopefully.

"hmm, we will see Mama" m/n smiled down at him.

"maaamm" eunwoo coo-ed

M/n pat his back gently, continuing his journey towards the hospital building.

He cautiously steps inside, his e/c eyes scanning his surroundings for any possible threat.

"don't look" m/n closed do-yun eyes and hoisted him in his other arms, shielding him from the gruesome display.

Do-Yun buried his face into m/n chest, squeezing him as the awful stench filled his nose.

M/n quickly stepped towards his wife's office, only for his hopes to tumble down pathetically when no soul was present in her office.

"jagi?" he called out warily, using his feet to push away the scattered documents.

"mama here?" do-yun muffled.


Leaving the hospital building in disappointment, his legs move towards the closest station, finally complying with the scenario.

"Mama?" do-yun frowns, looking up from m/n shoulder, watching as the familiar worn-down hospital building gets farther.

"Are we leaving mama?"

M/n heart aches as he stares at his son's pained expression. "no, mama is already waiting for us somewhere else" M/n forces a smile trying not to worry him.

Do-Yun slowly nods, his eyes cast a sad look.

"let's search for Mama okay?"


"Have you seen my wife?"

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"Have you seen my wife?"

𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 [ORV x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now