Chapter 5

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"Take the Claws and catch those ninja, they have been making a fool of me."

"Of course, Empress Beatrix, I will be taking one of the generals with me as well if that isn't a problem?"

Empress Beatrix: If it gets the job done, then do it. I suggest not taking Rapton"

"That fool can never get anything done, I didn't intend on taking him anyways.

The darkly coloured tiger/human mix nodded in understanding before turning to leave the throne room. As he exited, he gestured for one of the generals to follow him.

"General Kai, we have a task at hand," The creature began, his voice low and authoritative. 

Kai inclined his head in acknowledgment, his eyes glinting with determination.

 Kai: Consider it done Lord Ras, I suppose the targets are the same as always? Or do you wish to capture dragons instead?

Lord Ras paused, considering his words carefully before responding. 

Lord Ras: The ninja have been disrupting our plans for far to long. They are the main target, but capturing that tiny dragon that goes along with them would be a great addition.

 "Understood, Lord Ras. I will go along with some of the Claws to find them."

"Good, Do whatever it takes to bring them here, I need that tiny dragon for one of my plans. Failure is not an option."

The hunt was on.

.   .   .

Meanwhile, back at the monastery, the ninja gathered around a table, their expressions grave as they discussed the new information they had acquired.

Arin: So, let me get this straight,

Arin began, his brow furrowed in concentration. 

Arin: Jay doesn't remember anything about you guys, and Kai is working at Imperium?

Lloyd nodded solemnly, his mind still reeling from the revelations of the evening. 

Lloyd" That's the gist of it. It seems like that. The merge has turned this world into a jumbled mess. We think that Kai might not remember us either, I'm sure he wouldn't work for the Empress if he remembered he was a ninja.

Sora sighed heavily, her gaze flickering between her friends. 

Sora: What do we do now? How do we even begin to unravel this mess?

Zane, ever the voice of reason, spoke up from his place at the table. 

Zane: First, we need to gather as much information as we can. We must understand the extent of our situation before we can hope to find a solution. If Jay and possibly Kai have lost their memories we will need a way to return it to them. And I'm guessing the other elemental master girl you found will not let you get to them.

Nya: I agree with Zane, and by the looks of it, that girl is definitely not letting us talk to Jay again. 

Cole leaned back in his chair, his mind whirling with possibilities. 

Cole: Maybe we can find a way to communicate with Jay without her interference. We need to be creative, split them up some how.

Lloyd: That could work, but how. She's seems like a copy of Kai when we were all starting out.

Nya tapped her fingers on the table, her mind racing with possibilities.

Nya: We could try to gather intel on Imperium from the outside, see if we can find any weaknesses or vulnerabilities. And yeah by what I've seen she is very similar to how my brother was back then.

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