Chapter 7

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Arin and Nya, dodging Ras's hammer blows, attempted to create an opening to escape the alleyway and regroup.

With each swing of his hammer, Ras aimed to crush their spirits as well as their bodies, his eyes burning with a fierce determination to eliminate any threat to Imperium's rule.

Despite Lloyd's attempts to reason with his friend, Kai remained steadfast in his loyalty to Imperium, his resolve unshaken by Lloyd's words.

As they clashed, a sense of desperation crept into Lloyd's movements, his strikes growing more aggressive as he sought to break through Kai's defences. But with each blow, Kai's resolve seemed to strengthen, his determination unwavering in the face of Lloyd's onslaught.

Lloyd: Guys! We need to go. We can't stay here for longer!:

Nya: Alright- Quickly!:

Arin: Got it. :

.   .   .

The three had ended up escaping the battle.

Nya: Was that really. . .

Lloyd: Hey, hey it's fine- we'll get him back.

Nya: But Kai... How could he...?: Her voice trailed off, disbelief etched in every word.

Lloyd, his face lined with worry, placed a comforting hand on Nya's shoulder. 

Lloyd: I don't know, Nya. Something's not right. We have to find out what Imperium did to him.

Arin, scanning their surroundings for any signs of pursuit, spoke up. 

Arin: We can't stay here. Ras will have alerted Imperium's forces by now. We need to leave.

Lloyd: Arin's right. Come on! Let's go.

As they hurried away from the scene of their confrontation with Kai and Lord Ras, the three ninjas kept to the shadows, their senses alert for any signs of pursuit. They moved swiftly and silently through the winding streets of Imperium, their hearts heavy with the weight of their encounter.

Nya couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that lingered in her mind, the image of Kai standing against them burned into her memory. She couldn't understand how her brother could now be so loyal to Imperium, to the point of turning against them.

Arin, usually the one to crack jokes and lighten the mood, was unusually quiet as they made their escape. His thoughts were consumed by the realization that their mission had taken an unexpected turn, one that had left them reeling with uncertainty and doubt.

Lloyd, ever the steadfast leader, focused on the task at hand, his mind racing with plans and strategies to regroup and reassess their next steps. Despite the setback, he refused to let despair cloud his judgment, knowing that they couldn't afford to give up now.

As they navigated the labyrinthine streets, a sense of urgency hung over them like a shroud. Each alley they darted down, each rooftop they leaped across, brought them closer to safety, yet also deeper into the heart of the city's secrets.

Nya's mind raced with questions, her thoughts swirling like leaves caught in a tempest. How had Kai fallen so completely under Imperium's sway? What dark machinations had Ras and the ruling elite of Imperium employed to bend his will to theirs?

Lloyd's jaw tightened with determination, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. They needed answers, and they needed them fast. But the road ahead was fraught with peril, and their enemies would stop at nothing to destroy them.

Arin's keen senses remained on high alert, his every muscle poised for action. They may have been outnumbered and outmanoeuvred, but they were not defeated. Not yet.

As they reached the outskirts of the city, a fleeting sense of relief washed over them. But they knew that their respite would be short-lived. The battle for Kai's soul, for the future of Imperium, had only just begun. And they would not rest until they had uncovered the truth and set things right, no matter the cost.

Nya: Lloyd, do you think Cole, Sora, and Zane found something to help with the. . memories?

Lloyd: I hope so, Nya. They should be back at the monastery. We need to regroup with them as soon as possible.

Nya: Agreed. The monastery is our best bet for safety right now.

Arin: Let's hurry then. I don't want to be out in the open any longer than we have to.

Lloyd nodded, his expression grim as they quickened their pace towards the monastery. The streets grew quieter as they left the bustling city of Imperium behind, the sounds of their footsteps echoing in the empty alleys.

.     .     .

As they approached the towering walls of the monastery, a sense of relief washed over them. The familiar sight offered a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos that had consumed their lives in recent days.

Lloyd: There it is. We're almost there.

Nya: Thank goodness.

Arin: Let's hope Cole, Sora, and Zane made some discovery.

Lloyd pushed open the heavy wooden doors of the monastery, the scent of incense and candles greeting them as they stepped inside. The familiar peace of the monastery enveloped them like a warm embrace, soothing their frayed nerves and weary souls.

Cole, Sora, and Zane were gathered in the main hall, their expressions grave as they awaited their friends' return. 

Cole: Hey! Your okay!

Sora: What happened out there?

Lloyd: It's a long story. But right now, we need to focus on regrouping and figuring out our next move.

Zane: Agreed. We can't afford to let our guard down, especially now that Kai has turned against us.

Nya's eyes clouded with emotion at the mention of her brother's betrayal, but she quickly composed herself, nodding in agreement.

Nya: We'll get him back, right-? And Jay as well-?

Lloyd: We will. But first, we need to gather our strength and plan our next move. Imperium won't stop until they've crushed us completely.

Arin: Then let's not give them the satisfaction.

.    .    .

(Short chapter I know. I wish I had an idea on what to do for this but sadly I don't- but I swear I'll get something done at some point- I'm not abandoning this.)

(Edit: Thank you readers for the support! ^^)

Freaking out.

Nya trying to get them out of this mess.

Everyone else annoyed, or freaking out.

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