Chapter Three

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Now, you think that Apollo's children would love waking up when the sun rises. Well, you are wrong, Aster despises getting up early, even if the sun was up, he was tired. He yawned as he leaned against the railing, watching Mr D and Chiron getting ready to play pinochle.

Aster let out a small groan, reverting his gaze to Annabeth, who had been leaning against the railing of the porch with him. 'Can I leave now?' He asked her, with a tired tone of voice. Annabeth let out a sigh, looking back at Aster. 'No, you're required to still be here as the doctor on duty.' Annabeth explained to him that, of course, he had to be the doctor on duty, it could have been Micheal or even Lee. They were older than him.

Annabeth smiled as she heard her friend mumble something about how she could have gotten his older brothers than him and how he wanted to sleep. The silence was ruined when they heard a young boy's voice call out.

'Mr Brunner!'

The two both turn in the diction of the voice, turns out; it was sleeping beauty or in other words, Percy. Chiron turned in his diction and smiled at the boy. 'Ah, good, Percy' Chiron spoke. 'Now we have four for pinochle.' Offering him a chair to the right of Mr D who was looking at Percy with bloodshot eyes.

'Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. There. Now do not expect me to be glad to see you.' He sighed to himself, staring at Percy. 'Uh, thanks.' Percy replied as he shuffled onto the chair, he was Offred. Aster could tell the boy was confused with his current situation but just went along with it. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes as I felt the sun on my face.

'Annabeth?' Chiron called her over to the table and Aster focused back to the scene. Chiron started to introduce the two. 'This young lady helped nursed you back to health, Percy. Annabeth, my dear, why don't you go check on Percy's bunk? We will be putting him in cabin eleven for now.' Chiron says and Aster just gave a dumb look stare, there were already too many campers in the Hermes cabin as it is; it was overcrowded. 'Sure, Chiron' She replied.

Annabeth glanced in Percy's dictation then down at the minotaur horn in his hand. 'You droll in your sleep.' She bluntly stated then ran off down the lawn. Aster was holding in his laugh but failed a little when he let out a little laugh. He couldn't help it, it was funny. It reminded him of the time he caught his younger sister drooling in her sleep. But Percy didn't find it funny whatsoever as he sent a judgement glance at him which caused Aster to stop his little laughter and mouth a small sorry.

'What about him?' Percy asked, pointing towards the blondie who leaned against the railing and looked like he just had the worst hangover anybody could have. Aster's head fell doomed with embarrassment as the attention turned onto him. 'This is Aster, Percy. Aster, Percy. He is the current doctor on duty, he's watching over you just in case.' Chiron introduced the two of them. Aster sent Percy a small wave and said, 'Nice horn.' He smiled glancing down at the minotaur horn.

'Great, uh thanks' Percy said awkwardly, He did not seem too pleased that he had his own personal babysitter watching over him. Aster quickly became part of the past when Percy turned back to Chiron. 'So,' he says as he moves on from the subject. 'You, uh work here, Mr Brunner.'

(Note, this is just them talking, Aster is just listening)

'Not Mr Brunner,' Chiron said, 'I'm afraid that was a pseudonym. You may call me Chiron.' He corrects Percy.

'Okay.' Percy says, absolutely confused about what was going on but turns to the dictator. 'And Mr D... does that stand for something?' Aster yawns in boredom, he had wished he had gone with Annabeth, at least she would have provided somewhat of entertainment than watching over the newbie. Mr D had stopped the cards he was shuffling and looked over at Percy. 'Young man, names are powerful things. You don't just go around using them for no reason.'

'Oh. Right. Sorry.' Percy apologies,

'I must say, Percy,' Chiron interrupted the awkward conversation the two started. 'I'm glad to see you alive. It's been a long time since I've made a house call to a potential camper. I'd hate to think I've wasted my time.' He continued and Percy was having trouble understanding.

'House call?' He questioned Chiron then looked like he was in thought for a second before continuing what he said. 'You came to Yancy just to teach me?'

Chiron nodded, confirming what Percy had said. 'Honestly, I wasn't sure about you at first. We contacted your mother and let her know we were keeping an eye on you in case you were ready for Camp Half-Blood. But you still had so much to learn. Nevertheless, you made it here alive, and that's always the first test.'

'Grover,' Mr D intruded on the conversation, getting impatient by the second. 'Are you playing or not?' It startled Grover in the process as he said, 'Yes sir!' he trotted over to the fourth chair.

Then Mr D glanced towards Aster, 'Ashly!' he called out to him but using a completely different name. 'Uh, actually sir it's Ast—' Aster went to correct the director but was waved off. 'Don't care, are you playing?' Mr D invited Aster to play but shook his head, 'uh... No, I'm good, sir.' Aster awkwardly said.

'Suit yourself.' He scoffed turning back to face Percy, 'You do know how to play pinochle?' Mr D asked Percy with a hint of sarcasm in his voice while eyeing him with a suspicious glare.

'I'm afraid not,' Percys replies to his question. Aster becoming bored with the current conversation, starts to drift off in his thoughts. Wondering how his mother was doing with his stepfather and stepsister, they planned to go camping soon and had invited him to tag along but Aster deemed it too dangerous, he hoped there having a fun time.

'Aster.' Nearly tumbling to the ground at the voice that startled Aster, when he glanced over, Chiron and Percy were standing there waiting for him. What did he miss? 'Pardon Chiron?' he asked.

'You're dismissed Aster, go catch up with Annabeth.' Chiron stated with a small smile on his face, urging the young boy to run along. 'I'll watch over Percy for the time being.' Under official standards Aster would decline since Percy hasn't gone through an official check-up, he may have had some nectar but that can only heal physical wounds and that had its limits as well.

Sighing in frustration, he complied. 'Alright, but he's got to have a check-up sometime today. Docter's orders.' He ordered as Aster looked up at Chiron, He was called here for a reason and that was to make sure Percy was in top-shape condition.

'Yes, of course. I will see to it that you will be doing Percy's check-up' His eye twitched in annoyance, Aster didn't mean for him to do the check-up but for someone else to do it. 'Fine.' Aster bluntly says as he walks past the two even making eye contact with Percy who looks like he just wanted to go home. 

If there are any grammar mistakes in my writing, please tell me, and I will fix them as soon as I can. Any feedback will be appreciated.

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