Chapter four

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Aster and Annabeth sat outside cabin eleven, her reading a book on architecture and that bored him out of his carefree mindset. Spinning a single coin on his fingers, a trick he learnt from Luke. "Stupid newbie, stupid Chiron." Catching the coin in the palm of his hand and stuffed it into his pocket.

"You can't complain, knucklehead. You're the one that suggested the newbie even to get a checkup in the first place." Annabeth turned the page of her book as she chuckled at his consent complaint. Aster leaned his head back against the structure of cabin eleven while feeling the warmth of the sun on his tannish skin.

"I said that he had to have one, not that I'll do it." He scoffed but suddenly this intense feeling of guilt washed over him. If he left the newbie to someone, would they even do the checkup, and what if something was wrong with him that ended up having severe consequences for him?

"Ughhh! Fine, I'll do it." Aster blurted out as he pulled on his golden-blonde hair that was tied into a bun, thoughts overfilled his mind as he couldn't decide on how to approach this situation. "Stop overthinking it, you knucklehead," Annabeth said as he felt her fist knock on his head, snapping him out of the thoughts inside his head.

Aster huffed, bringing his knees up to his chest as his hair dripped over his shoulders when leaned down a bit, "Oh shush smartass, my brain feels like it's going to over-fry by thinking too much!" He said, Annabeth rolled her eyes as she turned the page to her book.

It felt like forever waiting for Chiron and the Newbie to arrive, Aster even had to skip out on bow practice with Lee for this. And just when Aster was having his doubts, the two showed up to cabin Eleven.

"Newbie alert" Aster whistled when he spotted Chiron and the new kid approaching, giving a small wave to the two in a welcome manner; Chiron just smiled at the boy while newbie gave him an awkward wave back.

"Annabeth, Aster," Chiron called out to them as he and the newbie walked up to them. 'I have master's archery class at noon. Would you take Percy from here?'

"Yes, sir," Annabeth said, standing up from the ground and closing her book while Aster remained seated, deciding if he should join in but his fate was decided when Annabeth kicked his legs, making him jump slightly then proceeded to get up. "I guess..."

"Cabin eleven," Chiron turned his attention away from the two of them and towards the cabin. "Make yourself at home." He gestured to the newbie; Aster watched as the kids inside bowed in respect the moment they saw Chiron.

"Well, then," Chiron said as began to totted off. "Good luck, Percy. I'll see you at dinner." And then he was gone, leaving only the three at the entrance of the cabin.

"Well? Annabeth questioned. "Go on." And when he did, he immediately tripped, Aster tried not to laugh and went over to help the boy. "You alright, newbie?" Aster kneeled, helping him up. he didn't reply but got a nod in response.

"Percy Jackson, meet cabin eleven." Annabeth introduced the newbie to cabin eleven, most of them were interested in the new kid but some weren't. "Regular or undetermined?" A random kid called out from the back.

"Sadly, undetermined," Aster spoke up and the new kid might remain undetermined for quite a while or won't know for his entire life. They all let out a groan at the news.

"Now, now, campers. That's what we're here for. Welcome, Percy. You can have that spot on the floor, right over there". A familiar spoke out from the crowd of kids, Luke. He walked over to the three of us.

"This is Luke." Aster heard Annabeth's voice soften when she introduced him, he rolled his eyes; he knew all about her little crush on Luke. "He is sadly your counsellor for now." Aster pitched in on the explanation. "For now?" Newbie asked confused as he looked over at Aster.

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