The Showcase

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Twilight's POV:

I waited for Spike to come back from his visit to Rarity's. Then we both stepped into the magical mirror and found ourself's outside CHS. Some students saw us, gasped, and started pointing and whispering. 

I realized that I looked different. Much prettier than when I was in the human world last time, that's for sure. I was wearing a really pretty long-sleeved top with a lavender-colored checked patterned design. I also had on a pleated light purple skirt with a white jeweled belt. 

( What Twilight is wearing )

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( What Twilight is wearing )

Spike suddenly said to me, "Twilight! Your hair!" I reached out and felt a light purple bow at the back of my head. My hair was even a bit wavy now, too. 

( Twilight's hair, except the color, which is her original hair color )

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( Twilight's hair, except the color, which is her original hair color )

( And the bow, which looks like the photo below )

( And the bow, which looks like the photo below )

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I felt so beautiful and confident. Just then, I saw a group of girls running towards me."Girls!" I cried with happiness as I ran towards them.

Sunset's POV:

We ran to the portal, and saw Twilight standing in front of it, talking to Spike. When she saw us, she ran towards us. "Girls!" she cried as we hugged her tightly. "Oh, I missed you all so, so much!" Twilight said as she hugged us again. "We missed you too! And did you get a new wardrobe?" Rarity asked as we all looked at her new outfit. "Oh, this thing? I don't know either. I was wearing it once I came through the portal." Twilight said as she twirled around, the pleated skirt floating around her. "I love it! It suits you!" Rarity said as we walked into CHS with Twilight.

Just then, we walked past the school's notice board. It had a new poster on it.     

"Another Musical Showcase? Sounds fun, we should totally do it!" Applejack said

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"Another Musical Showcase? Sounds fun, we should totally do it!" Applejack said. "Yeah! This year, the Rainbooms will win again for sure!" Rainbow Dash cheered out loud. I noticed Twilight was quiet. "Are you okay Twi? What do you think? Should we do it?" I asked. "Oh, sorry. You guys should totally do it! No, I was just thinking... maybe I'll try entering solo...? I mean, I do write my own songs..." Twilight's voice trailed off. 

We were all staring at Twilight, looking a bit astonished. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up, "Whoa, you can sing AND write your own songs? That's so cool! You gotta enter the show!" Pinkie Pie was bouncing with excitement, "Yes, yes, yes! You would be so amazing, Twilight! Rarity nodded in agreement, "It's no use entering the show if you're in it, darling. You'd win it in ten seconds flat!" Twilight seemed a bit unsure, "Are you guys sure you're not mad at me for not joining your band for this show?" Applejack quickly reassured her, "No way, sugarcube! You gotta do what makes you happy, and we know you'll rock the show no matter what!" She gave Twilight a friendly pat on the back to show her support. "I guess I will!" Twilight laughed as we all made our way to the cafeteria. 

Twilight's POV

As soon as we walked up to the sign-up table, I hung back slightly behind the girls. The moment Principal Luna saw us, she beamed with a warm smile. "Well, well, well! If it isn't the fabulous Rainbooms! I'm so happy to see you guys back in the game this year. You know, I don't think it'll be too tough for you to win again," she said, while Rainbow Dash wrote down our band name on the list. "But hey, Principal Luna," Sunset chimed in, and I stepped up with a smile. "I have a feeling we might just have some stiff competition this year."

"P-Princess Twilight!" Principal Luna hurriedly stood up and bowed to me. I was mortified. I heard Fluttershy muffle a giggle. "No, please! You don't have to bow to me! I'm just a normal student in this world!"I said alarmingly. "If you insist, Twilight. Now where were we? Oh yes. Twilight, would you like to enter the show?" Principal Luna said nervously, passing a pen to me. "Yes, please," I said as she wrote her name on the list. Principle Luna looked at the list and gasped. "Twilight? Are you singing an original piece? That's fantastic! I didn't know you could write your own songs!" Principle Luna exclaimed. 

But I simply smiled and we left the cafeteria, only to see a certain blue-haired guitarist. 


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