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Elysse's POV

I just woke up, my mind swirling with thoughts about the dream I had yesterday. I can't shake the feeling that it meant something important, hoping that maybe it was a sign.

The Dream...

Where is Liam? He promised he would watch a movie with me, but I've been waiting for so long. I keep checking my phone, hoping for a message. Just as I start to feel a knot of anxiety in my stomach, my phone buzzes.

Liam texted me. My heart races as I open the message.

He can't come there was an emergency.

Panic sets in. What if I should go to his house? What if something happened to him? My mind races with possibilities. I grab my bag, heart pounding, and head for the door. What kind of emergency could it be? Is he hurt? I can't just sit here and do nothing.

As I rush out, I remember all the times he's been there for me. Now it's my turn to be there for him.

When I finally arrive, I dart up the stairs, my breath hitching with every step. The door to Liam's room is slightly ajar, and I can hear muffled voices inside. My heart skips; maybe he's on the phone, dealing with whatever emergency has come up.

But as I push the door open, the scene before me stops me in my tracks.

Liam and Quinn are locked in an embrace, their lips meeting in a kiss that feels like a dagger to my chest. Time freezes. My mind struggles to comprehend what I'm seeing. This can't be real. It must be a nightmare, a twisted version of my worst fears. I blink rapidly, hoping to wake up from this horrifying vision.

"Elysse!" Quinn gasps, pulling away from Liam, her eyes wide with shock.

Liam's expression mirrors hers, and for a moment, they look like deer caught in headlights. My heart shatters as reality crashes down on me. This isn't a dream; it's my worst nightmare come to life.

"What's going on?" I manage to stammer, my voice barely above a whisper. The hurt in my chest twists painfully.

Liam opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. I can't bear to look at him. Instead, I turn on my heel and flee, each step feeling like a betrayal of my own heart. I sprint down the hallway, my mind racing with disbelief and confusion.

This can't be happening. I thought he loved me. I thought Quinn was my best friend. But as I burst through the front door.

End of Dream...

Then I woke up, realizing it was just a dream. My heart raced as I took in my surroundings, feeling the weight of the nightmare still pressing on my chest. I quickly glanced out the window, and relief washed over me when I saw Liam waiting outside, leaning casually against his car, with Quinn by his side, laughing at something.

They looked so carefree, the morning sun catching the highlights in Liam's hair and making Quinn's smile sparkle. My heart softened for a moment, but the lingering dread from my dream made me hesitate.

Shaking off the remnants of my nightmare, I took a deep breath and pushed myself out of bed. "It was just a dream," I whispered to myself, trying to convince my racing thoughts. I hurried to get ready, hoping that the day ahead would bring clarity and reassurance.

As I made my way downstairs, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The image of Liam and Quinn kissing flashed through my mind, and I pushed it aside, determined not to let my dream ruin what could be a perfect day. After all, they were just friends right?

Stepping outside, I plastered on a smile and greeted them, forcing the nightmare to the back of my mind. But as we drove to school, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of unease, as if the dream had left a shadow lingering in the corners of my thoughts.

Hearts in The Crossfire: When Friendship Meets LoveWhere stories live. Discover now