Chapter 1: Whispers and Worries

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The hallway buzzed with the usual after-school chatter, but Elysse felt a sense of calm as she walked hand-in-hand with Liam. They laughed and shared inside jokes, oblivious to the whispers swirling around them.

"Look at them," a girl from their history class whispered to her friend as they passed. "Elysse and Liam are so cute together, but poor Quinn. She's just the third wheel."

"Totally! It's like they forget she's there," her friend replied, snickering.

Elysse's stomach twisted at the comment. Quinn was her best friend, and while she knew Liam and Quinn were just friends, it still stung to hear people gossip.

She stole a glance at Quinn, who was chatting animatedly with a few others, her bright smile lighting up the room.

"Hey," Elysse said softly to Liam, squeezing his hand. "You think we should invite Quinn to hang out with us more? Just to make sure she doesn't feel left out?"

"Sure, that's a good idea," Liam replied, oblivious to her deeper concern. "But she seems fine. Look how happy she is!"

Elysse nodded but couldn't shake the unease in her gut.

Later, as they settled on a bench outside, Clark approached, a friendly grin plastered on his face.

"Hey, Elysse!"

"Hey, Clark!" Elysse replied, a bit of relief flooding her. Clark had always been a good friend, someone she could talk to when she felt overwhelmed.

"Everything okay?" he asked, sensing her tension.

"Just thinking about Quinn," Elysse admitted, leaning closer to Clark. "I've been having these weird nightmares. You know, the one where Liam kisses Quinn."

Clark's brow furrowed. "That's rough. You really think it could happen?"

"I don't know!" Elysse exclaimed, frustration bubbling up. "I just hate the idea of it. I mean, they're friends, but... what if?"

"It could be more than just a nightmare, you know," Clark said, his voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of something else. "I mean, you have to consider the possibility."

"Clark, don't say that!" Elysse shot back, feeling a twinge of panic. "You're my friend, and I know you're just looking out for me, but I can't think about that right now."

He looked down for a moment, then back at her, earnest. "Elysse, I like you as a friend. I just don't want to see you hurt."

She sighed, trying to shake off the worry. "I appreciate that, really. But I just need to forget about those dreams. They don't mean anything."

As the school day wrapped up, they walked together toward the parking lot. "So, what are your plans for the weekend?" Clark asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Quinn suddenly joined them, bouncing on her heels. "Guys! I'm having a party on Sunday! You both have to come!"

"Of course!" Liam said, a wide smile spreading across his face. "It's going to be fun!"

"Yeah, I wouldn't miss it," Elysse replied, trying to sound enthusiastic, though her heart fluttered with unease.

After school, as they reached the parking lot, Liam turned to Elysse. "I can't drop you off today; I have to help my mom with some things."

"Oh," Elysse said, disappointment creeping in. "That's okay. Clark can take me home."

Liam glanced between them, clearly not thrilled with the idea. "You sure, Elysse?"

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