Chapter 2. The Scrap Immortal, Third Time Entering the Heavenly Capital

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Dandan lifted the spell from Feng Xin and Mu Qing, but they still couldn't say a single word, they were too shocked. Feng Xin was the first to look at his former (friend) master and felt something warm spread in his chest. The Crown Prince has always been strong, even if the last time they met, he was... Not the same as before. More... Broken. He didn't blame him, it was incredibly hard for all of them in those years. But the guy was happy to know that his comrade had overcome it and, moreover, was able to ascend again! For the third time!

Mu Qing, on the other hand, didn't know how to feel or how to react. To some extent, his feelings were similar to what the martial god of the southeast was thinking, except there was something else, dark and gloomy. Envy? He couldn't help but admit that he admired it, and it made him very angry.

For Hua Cheng, this was not surprising. He expected that one day his prince would ascend again. How could it be otherwise? It's His Highness! The strongest, kindest, most magnificent person who has ever existed or ever existed.

Jun Wu was only glad that he wouldn't have to wait so long when they were released. Although, on the other hand... How much will they tell about it? Will his secrets and mysteries be revealed to all those present? He, unlike the others, still had a slight scent of spiritual powers, which had been left for him specifically to maintain this disguise.

He would have allowed himself to frown, but they could look at him at any moment. The tension in his soul made his heart beat like crazy.

"That was the first chapter of the story. I have to say that depending on the chapters themselves, I will invite someone else, or ask those who are already here to come out. If no one has any questions, then I will continue.

"Dandan", Xie Lian began, and the girl raised her head to look at him. "What will happen to us after the book ends?" And how long will we be here?

"You'll all be back where you fell asleep. And here you will be exactly zero seconds of time".

"How's that? I think it's been at least an hour".

"It's very simple, Wind Master. In this place, time doesn't move the way you're used to. So no matter how long you have to sit here, when it's all over, everyone will come back the same day they were picked up".

"Let's say" The Water Master covered his face as he reasoned about all of the above.

"Should I continue?"

Several people in the room nodded, and Dandan opened the book again.

"Chapter 2. The third ascent of the Garbage God to Heaven. Part One. ("The Scrap Immortal, Third Time Entering the Heavenly Capital". I'm sorry, I'm translating from the Russian translation into English, so consider this another translation.)

"Allow me to congratulate you, Your Highness".

Hearing these words, Xie Lian raised his head and smiled.

"Thank you. Can I find out what exactly?"

Perfect Lord Lingwen stood up, put her hands behind her back, and said solemnly.

"I am glad to tell you that you have topped the list of celestials whose exile to the mortal realm is most desired".

Xie Lian smiled a little awkwardly, but he didn't feel any negative emotions about it. And even the way Mu Qing burst out laughing next to him didn't surprise him. What was even more surprising to those present was that Feng Xin restrained himself and didn't hit him. Apparently, that spell did work.

Hua Cheng clenched his fists. What else can you expect from a nonentity? But then he looked at the prince, saw his smile sparkling and shining like the rays of the sun, and calmed down. "If you are overthrown again..." he thought, "... Then I'll be sure to invite you to Ghost City. And even if you stay, I'll still invite you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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