First Kiss...sort of

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Flash's POV:

The Rainbooms and I led Twilight into the empty classroom, the wooden door creaking softly as we entered. The only sounds were the shuffling of our feet and the soft rustling of clothes. Rainbow Dash and Applejack immediately moved to close the windows and blinds, shutting out any prying eyes that might be watching. Fluttershy walked over to the door and locked it, making sure no one could interrupt us.

Rarity and Sunset Shimmer gently guided Twilight to a desk, urging her to sit down. I stood behind her, placing my hands on her shoulders, feeling the tension slowly melt away beneath my touch. Twilight looked around the room, her eyes darting back and forth, her breathing quickened.

The Rainbooms sat in front of her, their faces full of concern for their friend. Rarity let out an exasperated sigh before replying to Twilight's question, "Well, Gloria is Flash's modeling partner, and she is also his girlfriend."

As soon as Twilight heard the word "girlfriend," her previously relaxed shoulders grew tense again, and a feeling of betrayal and hurt washed over her. "Flash, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"No, no! Twilight, I don't love Gloria," I exclaimed, my heart racing with fear. "She is a bully and a brat. I never liked her, but my parents forced me to be with her. She is a gold digger and always uses my money to buy expensive stuff for herself and show it off to her friends and classmates," I said, scared of what Twilight might be thinking.

"It's okay, Flash. I believe you," Twilight said, although her shoulders were still stiff. I gave her a light kiss on her forehead, and her shoulders relaxed a lot. Now I know she believes me.

Twilight's POV:

My heart was racing as Flash kissed me on the forehead, and I could feel my face turning red as my friends giggled. Flash's concern was palpable as he turned to his friends and asked, "What should I tell Gloria? Did she see us together?" Rarity, who always had a quick response, said, "Even if Gloria didn't see anything, the news of your reunion will spread like wildfire throughout the school. You two are the school's top couple, and, quite frankly, mine as well." The group fell silent as they contemplated their response, and Fluttershy finally spoke up. "Flash, I think you should end things with Gloria. It's not fair to her if you have feelings for someone else," she said, pointing at me. I was taken aback as all eyes turned to me, and I couldn't help but feel flustered.

Flash was resolute as he addressed us, "Thanks, girls. I'll break up with her after school today." Holding my gaze for a moment, he unlocked the door and left the classroom to attend his class. Applejack suggested, "We should go too. Class starts in 15 minutes." I nodded, grateful for the distraction from the heavy conversation. As we parted ways, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, wondering about Flash's decision and how it would affect everyone involved. With nothing else to do, I decided to spend some time in front of the portal with Spike, replaying the events of the morning in my head and hoping that everything would work out for the best.

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