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Four hours into my job and I've been able to get nothing done.
I'm usually in my zone but today,I'm just frustrated and confused.

I got an apology message from Carlos an hour ago.

He's not that bad but it's his drinking that's the problem.
He doesn't beat me,doesn't make me do stuff I don't want to but it's his drinking that hurts me.

He wasn't always like this. In the first year of our marriage,he was this loving man with his life already set before him,then,tragedy struck when he lost his job as an auditor. He started drowning himself in liquor and booze in order to numb the pain.

I always prayed for him,Lord knows I did. But he'd never change,he couldn't,no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't stop.

"You seem tensed." A deep husky voice sounds, snapping me from my thoughts.

I drop the sponge in my hands and turn to face him.

It's Lady Evelina's husband, William.

"N-no...I'm fine." I stutter. I dare not look this handsome man in the eye.
His brown eyes, reminiscent of a beautiful sunset, hold a warmth that envelops me like the comforting embrace of twilight. Flecks of gold dance within them, like shimmering rays of sunlight reflecting off the tranquil waters. Gazing into those eyes, I feel a sense of serenity wash over me, as if I am witnessing the closing of a day filled with both promise and tranquility. It's as though time stands still in those moments, suspended in the amber hues of his gaze, inviting me to lose myself in the beauty of the moment.

"Mrs. Ramirez?" He mentions my name. I like the way my name just melts on his tongue.

"Sir?" I respond and wipe my wet hands in my apron. I have to hurry up and leave this god forsaken place.
"I'm sure my wife already briefed you on our current predicament?" He quirks an eyebrow up while smirking.

I look away with a blush before nodding.

Lord,give me strength.

"But I want to make a few changes." He says.


"What do you mean sir?" I'm confused,what's happening?

"I mean,I know your current financial situation and I don't want to seem manipulative but.....I want you to carry my child. I'll pay you for it." He says and I feel the world stop.

"What?" I'm utterly shocked and confused.

Just then,his wife opens the door leading to the inside of the mansion and her clicking heels are the only sound that can be heard.

"Darling?" She eagerly squeals when she walks into the kitchen.
William turns to face her and his flirtatious expression has turned to one of admiration and love.

"I have to go." I tell the both of them,then I grab my bag and leave that place.

Tears well up in my eyes as I trudge towards my little house.
I quickly wipe them away as I insert the key inside the lock.
To my surprise,the door is already unlocked.

"You're home?" Carlos asks from the kitchen. The radio is on and the station it's on at moment is playing music.

"Welcome." Carlos smiles admiringly and envelopes me in a hug.

"Thank you." I kiss him on the cheek before taking off my slippers.

"I made dinner." He blushes and I give him an intrigued expression.
"Oh really?" I tease and he nods and reaches for my bag.

He places it on the hat rack and tugs at my hand,ushering me to follow him.

The aroma in the kitchen is amazing and there's a pot of either soup or sauce bubbling on the stove.

"What's going on?" I ask him after I take a seat at the dining area.
He smiles and unties the apron that's clad around his waist.

"I just feel like treating my wife to a meal." He smiles his award winning smile and I feel butterflies form in my belly.
He would've been an amazing model.

"Well I'm happy,thank you." I kiss him on the mouth and he smiles through the kiss.

"Why don't you take a shower,you know,to relax in order to eat before you eat?" He winks and I immediately catch his drift.

"Okay." I wink back at him then walk to the bathroom.

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