Resting stars

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(My Hero academia and Ben 10 belong to kohei korikoshi and man of action studios please support the official release)

Standing triumphant over the remains of machine he looks around at the crowd seeing multiple heroes, reporters, and random bystanders. They all stare at him with amazed expressions on each of their faces.

Izuku looks at his hands perplex as he leans in to inspect them more closely, he's surprised by his transformation as he could feel the creatures power flowing through his veins like a raging river it was a incredible experience.

"Hey!" A new voice brings him out of his thoughts and he turns around to see three heroes death arms, Kamui woods, and backdraft walking towards the boy with stern looks.

"Who are you." Death arms points his finger at the crystal teen who backs up in confusion.

"I-i-i." The alien boy struggled to put the words in his mouth he's being approached by heroes for gods sake.

"What are you doing here." Kamui woods says with a suspicious tone. Death arms leans forward enough that he was standing right in front of the crystal alien making him back away in silent panic.

"Are you a pro?" he says again his voice becoming more irritated every second.

The boy looks to the ground nervously. "N-no." He meekly replied.

The three heroes look to eachother and nod before turning back to him. "You're coming with us."

The transformed izuku looks at them confused. "What?."

"You heard me vigilante don't make this hard." He pulls out a pair of hand cuffs from his belt. midoriya looks at them shocked as he quickly backs up with his rocky hands shaking.

"I don't understand why am I being arrested."

"You'll understand back at the station. Now come with us!" They forcibly grab his arms to drag him to the police who were walking up to him menacingly.

"And why is he punished for doing what exactly." The three heroes turn around to the person who said it including the alien boy.

The boys eyes widen open standing before them is the Omnitrix ai girl. The heroes stand there confused and she walks up to them with her arms crossed.

"I ask again why he is being arrested for doing. Your. Job." She taps her finger on the wood hero's chest.

"He interfered in official hero business and could have made the situation worse." He quickly explains to the girl but she shakes her head.

"The whole situation was already worse as it is, what made it more worse was how you handled it." The crowd of people look towards them confused.

Backdraft steps forward. "We had it under control." Trying to explain to the

"You were just standing there like statues as the robot was holding a hostage in its claw." She looks at the hero with a disipointed tone. Which causes death arms to look at her angry.

"We didn't have right quirks!." He yells at her angrily.

"And waiting for another hero to fix the problem was any better."

The whole scene was getting more tense, izuku can feel the air getting heavier with each passing minute it looked like it explode but for him this was the strangest thing, for the first time someone was defending him.

It felt weird why would she defend him of all people.

It feels good but...

Grabbing his hand tightly she raises her hand into the air and unleashes a blinding light that stuns them. Quickly the girl activates one her powers and runs away at super sonic speeds leaving a trail of dust behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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