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Tweet 1: Okay, I've got some bad news. Well, not so bad. I mean it's not good news...I digress. It appears while inspecting Tank F in Sector 3, I may have tripped on a valve again. Minor Pathowogen leak, just a minor one! We don't expect casualties.....to be high.

Tweet 2: Update: Professor Blackwood has assured me that the Bean Team is enroute and the Pathowogen leak will be contained. No need for anyone to panic! Blackwood Laboratories is committed to your safety. We wi....what? Are you sure? w...what do you mean that wasn't just a valve??? Oh sh..

Tweet 3: OK! So, things aren't under control and the Bean Team isn't responding. The Floof Squadron is standing by, but...containment of the Pathowogen has failed and it is spreading rapidly. Please panic in your own homes. OH! Professor Blackwood is calling, I'll update soon!

Tweet 4: It would appear Tank F, specifically Tank F, contained a...How do I articulate this for the wider audience...A Super Crazy Ultra strain used for testing how strong it could be. I guess that explains it. It would seem, the infected, they turn very quickly....

Tweet 5: I made it to the security room at the southern end of sector 3, mostly without incident. Frank...well, Frank isn't with me anymore. I'm trying to figure out why this old KVM isn't working. I need to see what's going on and if I can reach the elevator. Oh! I got it working!

Tweet 6: I...I can't believe what I'm seeing. Claire....they just. They just jumped on Claire and, I thought they were attacking her but what I saw....I...I can't believe it. By the Administrator's will, I have to get back to my lab! I have to...I..

Tweet 7: Alright, I think I've figured out a way I can get to the elevator and up to my lab in sector 2. No one seems to be answering, but I assume it's because...well, you know what's going on. I'm going to pull my lab coat over my head and duck in the bathroom, Let's GO!

Tweet 8: Made it to the Bathroom! It was crazy! An infected broke into a nearby closet, right in front of me! Thankfully, it didn't notice me and with how much that scared me, I'm glad I'm in the bathroom. Unfortunately, it sounded like Johan wasn't so lucky over in the closet. He was a promising young biologist...

Tweet 9: Shit shit shit shit! I made it in the elevator and IT'S LOCKED DOWN!!! AHHH!! I MEAN OF COURSE IT IS!!! I AM SUCH AN IDIOT!! Ok Ok Ok, Calm down. They've locked down the elevator which means everything should be contained in sector 3. This is good, this is...

Tweet 10: Yeah, this isn't good guys. I think....I....I know I'm out of options. The infected are just outside of the elevator doors and I can only survive so long in here with what I have on me....I....I don't even have signal to call my wife and son...I ...I'm sorry...

Tweet 11: (A voice from outside the elevator: "Dr. Smith! Are you in there!?")

What!? What how, who are you? WHERE are you!?

("It's safe! Just come out, you'll be fine. I promise!")

WHAT IS THIS!? How are you talking, what is going on out there!? What do you mean it's SAFE!? HOW ARE YOU TALKING TO ME!??

Tweet 12: I can't explain what's going on here. There is someone, OUTSIDE, of the elevator and TALKING to ME! On any other day I would just be disturbed, but this is REALLY disturbing. I wonder if this has to do with what I saw when Claire was...By the Administrator, if I'm right...

Tweet 13: Blackwood Laboratories would like to formally apologize on behalf of Dr. Smith. We would like to ensure the public that no outbreaks of any sort have occurred within the research facility. Dr. Smith has been placed on temporary leave for much deserved rest. We thank you for your understanding. Blackwood Laboratories: Your being is our solution.

Dr. Fuzzy Donut - Origin Part 1 of 2Where stories live. Discover now