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It's been a day since Ryan put this bruise on my neck yet my anger didn't fade away.
I'm still resenting him... How dare he just take me to his car and give me a hickey? What am I?  A joke??
Whenever he wants, he'd take me out on date, give me gifts then he thinks he has won me and gives me hickey without my permission and then he dares to ignore me!?
Fucking annoying! Asshole! Motherfucker! Dickhead! An absolute piece of shit!
I swear if he talks to me today at school, I'd fucking chop off his dick and feed it to the street animals!

Honestly at this point, Jake is better. 

I stomped inside my school car tying to push aside the annoyed thoughts of Ryan.

I could feel the shocked eyes looking at me from the way I sat so annoyed.

I took out a book from my bag as a quick annoyed pout formed on my face. I quietly read the book through the whole journey in the car ignoring every single shit who tried to talk to me.

After a while, the car stopped and people started rushing out as I  cursed under my breath. What's the rush for, stupid fellows?

I got off in the middle adjusting my uniform as my eyes wandered around only to spot his eyes looking at me.
I didn't feel relieved now, I felt an outrageous anger running through my veins.
I controlled myself increasing the distance between me and his strong figure, soon a huge crowd surrounded around the ground and I lost his sight.

I still had the book in my hands as I flipped it open.
But my small time of peace was interrupted by none other than Ryan...
He was behind me, I could feel his breath on my neck,  I could even imagine the look on his eyes.
I turned back annoyed,  but the sight before me was unexpected.

He was looking at me with a guilty look on... I could feel him chew his lips in nervousness as he looked in my eyes.

"Are you that angry on me? "
"Of course I am! Look at what you did,    I had to wear turtle neck at home the whole time!" I frowned

But my reply surprisingly made him chuckle, "Awh my angel! Come here gimme huggiess! "

I look at him cringed... Sweet words like these do not suit with his deep voice!! "Agghhh stay away! "

He chuckled,
I hid the fact that I was simping my ass off at his deep voice!
He came even closer, decreasing the distance between us, "why do I have to stay away from my angel? "

"I'm not your angel" I mumbled...

He shamelessly smirked and backed away, "We'll see about that, angel"
In lunchtime:

I was simply walking in the corridor with my best friend, Mia.
She was blabbering about some new fanfic she read and  about Daddy vibes.

"You know being the daddy's girl feels so good! I just read a fanfic yesterday, oh god!! I'm so amazed already!"

I kept nodding and chuckling, "Sure, sure"

"I want to show you! "
I gasped, "Show me what!?"
"How being the daddy's girl feels like! "
"What!? What are you gonna do? "

She smirked and pinned me to the wall and whispered, "Awh my sugar baby! Look at you, so cute "

I smirked back playing along as she kissed me.

After a few seconds she moves away and we were going to burst into a laughter with this stupid drama but...

Ryan barged in,
a-all of a sudden?  What's really happening?
His eyes were glaring at Mia, he opened his mask licking his lips looking straight into my eyes.

My heart was beating so fast...
What's this idiot up to? Don't tell me-

He pins me to the wall being very rough and he grabs my hands putting them up on the wall.

I try breaking free but he tightens his grip and pulls me closer by my waist.

"Don't be like this, my angel"

"what are you up to? "

He smirked aggressively crashing his lips on mine.
He keeps biting rigorously on her lips, as he forcefully inserts his tongue in deepening the kiss. After a few minutes he parts away his lips from her panting heavily licking his lips as he smirks,

"This is how it's done, my angel"

He looks back at her bestie to see if she saw how the actual daddy vibe feels like.

I gasped, "Y-You were looking at me!?"

"Is it wrong to look at you, my angel? "

"Y-you stalk m-me?"

I didn't get an answer of that question, all I got was a smirk from those nasty lips which keep kissing me...
So I assumed it was a yes.

I was supposed to be angry at him but I helplessly blushed at his actions.
Why? Oh lord, why do you have to do this!?


That's a wrappp!!! Hhehe

Hopeee youu enjoyedd>>> 😤❤

Lobeee yaaa all,,, byee byee takee careee and stayy tuneddd for new chapters!!! ❤👀🎀😼

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