Ch- 13

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Even though I could feel her tense breaths from our close proximity, I didn't give a damn. She looked so good that it was difficult to resist.

I moved even closer to her and murmured in her ear, "Now be quite and let me enjoy my sweet treat"
An inadvertent smirk filled my face as I bit on her ear.

She was astonished and stood transfixed as a scarlet blush spread across her face... Her ears have turned red from me nibbling on them, and those sweet sounds she keeps making... Ufff!! I became such an adorer of those slutty moans...

The type of voice only I get to hear, feel, enjoy and love.

I lingered and smirked at her, my mouth trailing down to her neck. In desire of giving her additional hickies since the last one had vanished by now.

My breath lingered around her neck, that attractive fair skin...
My teeth landed firmly on her neck, as I give her a strong desireful bite.

I sucked on and left trails of many red hickes which didn't seem to leave her skin early.

Her voice getting loud showed my dominance but we couldn't let anyone know so I pressed my palm on her mouth, muffling her moans.

"Are you liking this little session we're having? "

She looked as flustered as ever but the unexpected thing was, she pushed me away.

"Huh..? F-Fiona? what's wrong, does it hurt?"
My voice showed concern with the hidden lustful demon lurking inside me which actually wanted to hurt her more and see her actually scream for me and our intimacy.

"It definitely hurts... And what the actual fuck do you think I am? Huh? No words and nothing just all of a sudden you pull me somewhere then start making out! It isn't a joke Ryan."

That blow right now was way too unexpected... S-She hated my touch that much? I never got to know nor understand...

"I.. am sorry. Would you forgive me pretty angel? "

That's what I could process out of my mouth but she seemed to care less about what I had replied.

I looked at her little messed up figure unlock the door and walk out.

I sighed, 'What have I done... '

But she looked so cute stomping out like that right on my face...


I stood still in that room then a strong muscular hand gripped upon my shoulder,
"Ryan? What are you doin' all alone in here? "

I jolted, "Huh- oh, it's you! Jake"
"Hmm now mind answering me"
"Oh, I was just umm... Thinking about something peacefully... "

Jake's expressions showed that he didn't believe a word I said but he simply nodded not pointing out my lies.

"Sure, I'll get going now I have works to do" Jake said with a cold gaze trailed upon me as he walked out from there.

I sighed, Why is my life so fucked up?

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