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The sunlight filtered in through the tent. For a moment, as Selene opened her eyes, she figured she'd just had a horrible nightmare. As much as she wished to stay in that dream-like hope, her eyes glanced around. This wasn't her room, nor was the space much of a room at all. She shifted around on her blanket, feeling oddly well-rested. It's a feeling she's not sure she's ever felt.

Stretching her arms, she moves off the gathering of soft blankets and straw. She looks around the small space of the tent for a few seconds before closing her eyes. She kneels on the bedding to fix her hair and cover her ears. Her parents would want her to stay hidden.

Her parents...

"Right, they won't be there when I get up." She felt tears prick her eyes, but quickly brushed them away. It's not going to do her any good to sit and weep. They'd want her to move on, right? The night seems blurry in her memory. So much of it fuzzes whenever she thinks too hard about recalling what happened.

She fumbles with the velcro and zippers of the tent opening before she strides out of her tent. Her eyes take note of the two guards standing in front of the entrance. One Fae female and one male. She gives a soft smile, keeping her lips sealed to hide her small fangs.

Several tents occupy the small meadow in the woods around her, people dressed in uniform stood in small groups talking amongst themselves. There doesn't seem to be any sort of separation, nobody seemed to feel superior than those around them. She's watching humans talk to Fae without sneers, and Fey talk to humans without annoyance and anger, in fact, everyone was smiling and laughing. She'd thought this was impossible, it strikes her as odd.

"An uncommon sight for you, isn't it?" Dorian muses, coming up behind Selene.

Selene jolts a bit at the unexpected voice, then turns around with a small nod. "Yes."

"I imagined so. They aren't like that outside the guards. It's the status gained and just respect. Their captain is fae and the majority here are remnants of the old. They hail from the families who were smart enough to kneel and drop their titles. Some are still nobility, some are not." Dorian speaks without care, as if this is normal.

Ah, so the hope there wasn't any judgment here was shattered. "I see."

"You're hiding yourself again. Why do you do that?" It's almost as if Selene's actions offend Dorian. It's unusual to see fae trying to hide what they are. Usually, they hold their ancestry in high esteem.

Selene shrugs, placing her hands behind her. "I always have. You aren't going to tell anybody, right?"

"That you're fae?" Dorian hums raising a brow.

Selene nods and Dorian is forced to sigh. He shakes his head, but he's expecting a real response to his question.

"It was safer, and I guess I don't like being pointed out. I just have the traits anyway. I can't do anything." It's almost as if she's ashamed of herself. Fae who are mainly human, fit in with neither part of this world.

"Come on, you need a meal, and sadly there are questions I must ask." Selene sighs, tearing her gaze from the people to stare at the ground and follow Dorian.

As they walked, she could feel eyes turn towards their general direction. The whispers about what happened last night peek through different conversations.

Selene dislikes the attention, it made her skin crawl.

The two slip into a much larger tent than all the others, and her gaze rests on somebody she hasn't met yet. However, from how the male lounges, his status must exceed the Captain. She glances towards Dorian, who ushers her to take a seat before clearing his throat.

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