*it's a week later since the scene in the lunchroom and Normani has got more and more attached to Ivory*
Normani POV
Come on Jef I don't want to be late
Jef : in all my years being your butler you never been worried about being late who is it
What I just can't want to change
Jef : no cause you are never early
Fine it's this girl her name is Ivory . She's so different than anybody that I ever met and her smile don't get me started on her smile
Jef : that's cute it's been a long time since I heard you talk about someone like that but please protect your heart this time
Trust me I am Ivory just make me want to be all mushy and romantic. That's why I'm trying to get to know her and work up the courage to ask her out
Jef: this girl must be special she got you all flustered
Shut up anyways I'm ready cause she always arrives at school around 7:25 I'm trying be there . What?
Jef: nothing let's go lovesick puppy
Ivory POV
*Currently in the car with Jodi heading to school*
Jodi : So tell me you and this Normani chick how is that going
What you mean we just been getting to know each other like friends would
Jodi : mmm I don't know homie the way she looks at you is like I'm make you mine type energy
Why you say that
Jodi : Ivory you my family but you are not that dam funny and she be laughing at your corny as jokes and you haven't been noticing how she always touching you in some way
I have been noticing how she been connecting our arms together lately
Jodi : I'm trying to tell you girls do that as a sign of like ownership like yea this one is mine type shit . She likes you likes you homie
I do like her to but Normani is way out of my league
Jodi : homie trust me the way she is around you oh yes you good . See there she is right there waiting on little ole you to arrive , go see your boo
Whatever *ivory blushes*
Jodi: she's a keeper got my homie blushing . I'll see you later
*ivory gets out the car and Normani see her*
Normani : hey my Ivory
*Normani links her arm with ivory*
Hey Normani
Normani : you should come to class today I know you technically don't have to but for me can you please for me
Fine I'll come to class today for you
Normani : you spoil me I appreciate that and quick question where is somewhere you haven't been that you want to go
You mean like around here
Normani : yes
Well there is this science museum I always wanted to go to cause they have this exhibit where you can star gaze at night but they don't really open it till like random times in the month so I never catch it
Normani : well that place definitely sounds interesting
Why you ask
Normani. : just wondering
*Normani sends a text to Jef to see if he can book a private tour of the museum*Normani : let's get to class

FanfictionListening, Offering, Validating, and Empathizing . That's all that someone wants in a partner but what happens when you thought the person that was gonna show you all those things was not the person they deem to be