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Catherine's Pov

'You're stronger than this, Catherine.'

I said to myself for the hundredth time as I stood before the mirror in the bathroom, which I had been locked in for over an hour.

My cheeks were wet with tears and I could see my chest heaving with how much breath I was sucking in at each passing minute.

Regardless of that, I was still feeling out of breath.

I stared down at my naked body and wondered what he'd think once he saw them tonight.

This morning, while I had been taking my bath, mum had walked in to go over the basics of what was going to be expected of me from my husband in the bedroom.

I had began to cry, because I couldn't even bring myself to imagine myself in that kind of situation with me being willing and onboard.

I had instantly hid the tears from her though, that was something she'd never catch me doing.

Not since that one night.

I breathed out a sad sigh as I eyed myself up in the mirror once again.

After I had locked myself in here since the moment Damien and I had entered this bedroom, I had taken my bath, and gone through countless breakdowns.

I should have probably thought of what I was going to wear before I had made my way in here like an animal that was being chased, because now that I was done bathing, there was nothing for me to wear in here.

Not even a robe was in sight.

All that was available was a towel. A white, fluffy one.

There was nothing else in sight. Getting back into my wedding dress was out of the question.

I hesitantly tied it around myself as I bit down on my bottom lip nervously as I tied the towel around my chest.

After more long minutes of me trying to calm my erratic heartbeat down, I finally made my way out of the bathroom, because I knew I couldn't stay in there forever.

The door closed a little bit loudly behind me and I jolted a little. I glanced around the bedroom and gasped shakily as my eyes landed on the devil himself.

My heart was back to being lodged stiffly in my throat as I blinked at my new husband, Damien.

He was seated on the bed, back against the majestically designed head of the bed and I gulped fearfully when our eyes locked.

I averted my gaze instantly, and regretted it fast because my eyes landed on his very naked chest, and I felt my throat constrict tightly against my heart.

Tattoos littered his chest, shoulders and arms, in different forms and shapes, and that only managed to make him appear even more deadly.

His face has a very light beard on, and his jaw seemed so sharp, it could cut throat air. His nose was straight, and his face looked perfectly inverted. What stood out on his face the most, was his eyes color.

They were two different colors.

I didn't have more chance to dwell on that further, because he was dropping his phone beside him on the bed and pushing himself off the bed so fast that my head spinned with how hard my heart beat skyrocketed.

I let out a yelp and instantly took a step backwards, as my hands flew up to grip my towel tight. He was standing before me in the next second, making me begin a silent prayer in my head.

"Your body belongs to me, Kitten." He rasped out, cold index finger reaching out to trace over my fluttering pulse.

I took an hesitant step backwards, but he took one forward, closing in on me even further and making my breath hitch.

"Say it."

I gulped and averted my gaze instead, clutching on my towel harder. His grip on my chin was firm as he tipped my head upwards. I trembled in immense fear.

"My b- body belongs to you." I stuttered shakily, and a dark grin broke out on his face, making my blood run colder.

"That's right. Now, take this off. I don't think we'll be needing this tonight."

My mouth parted but nothing came forth for the first few seconds.

"Uh, I- I have to get ready. The lingeries–"

Mum had said I needed to be clad in sexy lingerie tonight, that it was going to please my husband immensely.

"You won't be needing those tonight, hm? Because I'm only going to rip them off anyway."

When he reached for my towel, I squeezed my eyes shut and trembled as I felt it drop from my body, exposing my entire body to him.

I kept counting in my head and also tried to control how hard I was trembling, as I felt long, cold fingers against my bare skin.

That wasn't a foreign feeling, but it felt more dangerous this time.

The tears came when I was picked up and discarded into the bed like a doll, making me gasp out fearfully while staring up at my husband. My bottom lip was wobbling and I could feel tears building up in my eyes, as Damien sank into the bed atop me.

He rolled me over and I thankfully noted that it would be easier to cry into the sheets this way without him finding out.

His touch was light as it moved over my skin, and I felt more intense terror sinking over me as his knee parted my legs while his hands circled my hips.

Tears began to slide down my eyes when I heard him began to undo his belt.

I was trembling and crying into the sheets, trying to stifle my sobs by biting on the sheets to no avail.

The more seconds stretched into minutes with nothing happening, the more intense tremors continued to wrack through my body.

A confused feeling settled over me when I felt him began to pull away from me, but I didn't dare lift my head off the sheets to glance back at him.

Long seconds passed.

Wasn't he supposed to be doing... it?

I felt his entire weight leave the bed and I grew more confused and panicked.

"Get dressed." He growled next, and I wasn't sure if I had heard right.

I remained frozen in the same spot, and it wasn't long before the bedroom door slammed closed.

When I finally lifted my head off the sheets, I noticed that I was the only one in the bedroom now, and I wasn't sure of what to think.

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