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Damien's POV.

My wedding night was going in several different directions, firstly my new bride had locked herself in the bathroom and rather than fucking her like I'd planned I was now sitting in front of the help I hired for her, discussing her security even though I wanted nothing more than to break into that bathroom and drag her out so I could finally get what I fucking worked for.

"Jack, Ross, I need you no less than six feet away from her at all times," I say to the two burly men I'd picked to be her guards, even though it pained both I and Antonio to have to waste resources on her leaving her unguarded would send the wrong message to our enemies, specifically the pesky Bratva. "As for you Lydia, you'll be in charge of all the basic house chores, help her with whatever she needs, accompany her places if she needs that and in the case of someone breaking into our house..."

Lydia nods and laces her fingers together. "I understand Capo."

"I'll introduce you to Lydia in the morning, as of now she..." locked herself in the bathroom and is refusing to come out. I wanted to say, but expressing my frustrations about my new wife with the help wasn't a good idea so I stayed quiet.

I sigh rise, ready to drag the girl out of the bathroom if need be. Wedding night or not I have a lot of work to do in the morning, negotiaing with the Bratva comes with a lot of clauses and not getting to enjoy my payment would not be helping my temperament tomorrow. 

Lydia, Ross and Jack watch me with solemn gazes, possibly pitying me for being fooled into marrying her, the only upside of having my ring on her finger for now was the fact that I was saved from having to deal with the threat of my brother taking my position from me.

I walk back to my room, clenching and unclenching my hands as I ponder on the idea of dragging her out of there. She's still not out when I get inside and I pause for a moment outside the bathroom door, the shower isn't running so I'm sure she isn't taking a bath and I can't hear anyone crying.

I shove my hands into my pockets and tilt my head. What if she killed herself?

After all with the look in her eyes when I slipped the ring unto her finger she looked like she might as well have. I rub my temples and place a hand on the handle, ready to walk in and get someone to dispose of her body and clean up the blood if need be. Obviously I'd be contacting Marcus for a new pay, fucking dead girls wasn't really my thing.

I still when I hear her sigh, long and clearly tired and slowly I retract my hand from the handle.

So she didn't kill herself... yet. She might though, after all I had several uncle's who's wives had chosen death to enduring a lifelong agreement with them.

Slowly I walk away from the door and give her a moment. She was trembling as she walks down the aisle today, she was scared of me obviously, and though the bloodshed and ruthlessness I'd maintained over the years had worked in making me heartless I would give her the necessary time to gather herself.

I take off the waistcoat and drop it on a chair, I do the same thing with my tie and slip my wrist watch into a drawer full of other expensive watches. Other than blades I loved these the most.

I turn slightly when the door to the bathroom opens hesitantly, and I see her the, wrapped up in a large towel, dark hair wet and sticking to her flushed cheeks. She's clenching the edge of the towel tightly, like she's afraid someone would snatch it from her, it seems laughable but as I let my eyes trail her figure barely concealed by the towel I can't help but applaud her for that action because I am one step away from rushing over to her and removing that towel myself.

She's curvy, that I knew from the rumors about her and even from the cut of her wedding dress. I let my eyes trail down her delicious curves, lingering on the tops of her breats and then down her endless legs, I could already imagine those legs wrapped around my waist as I buried myself in her, I could hear the noises that would escape from her plump lips and I could feel the soft, fullness of her breats on my palms.

I feel my pants getting tighter in response to the fantasies I was having, her boy was beautiful and it was mine. Every inch of soft skin was mine. Her lips part as I approach her and her hand on the towel tightens as well, I chuckle and reach for that hand smiling when she shivers a little.

"Your body belongs to me, Kitten." I rasp out, trailing my index finger over her fluttering pulse.

She takes an hesitant step backwards, but I take one forward, amused by her attempts, in a matter of seconds I've trapped her and I watch her her pupils dilate and her breath hitch.

"Say it."

She gulps and averts her gaze instead, clutching on her towel harder. I let that finger slide up to her chin and I then I grip it tightly, slowing tipping her head forward so her eyes meet mine. She was so scared... good.

"My b- body belongs to you." she tutters shakily, and a dark grin breaks out on my face.

"That's right. Now, take this off. I don't think we'll be needing this tonight."

Her lips part and the image of my cock between those pretty lips flashes through my mind. I grin a lot wider but she doesn't make any moves.

"Uh, I- I have to get ready. The lingeries–" she mutters moving to slide around me

"You won't be needing those tonight, hm? Because I'm only going to rip them off anyway."


I silence her by dragging her towel off, she squeezes her eyes shut and trembles even more as the light woolen fabric drops to the floor exposing her body to me.

My breath quivers as I take her in. She was beautiful, she looked absolutely fragile and smooth. Her skin was so fair it could be pale, and her body. My eyes trail down her full breats, grazing her pink, peaked nipples and then down to her shaved pussy. I groan a little as the ache in my pants edges on to painful.

I need to touch her. And with that thought in my mind I let my finger trail down her shoulders, sliding it slowly down her throat and then brushing it slowly down her nipples, she shivers and resist the urge to grab hanfuls of her breats and knead them until she's moaning my name.

I reach down to pick her up, the urge to fuck her clouding my sense of judgement a little and I drop her gently on the bed, she gasps and her eyes are fling open as she stares at me with watery eyes, I ignore her tears and chalk it up to fear. She watches me as I slowly take off my shirt then move stay on the bed over them 

I look into her teary eyes watching those tears finally slide down her cheeks, I groan and roll her to her stomach, even though I wanted to look into her eyes as I take her, the sight of her tears was getting to me.

I touch her lightly, trailing my finger slowly down her back, feeling each tremble she gives off with displeasure, but I was thinking with my aching cock not my mind so gently I use my knees to part her legs and let my thumb circle her hips.

She was still trembling and that was enough to knock my out of my sex addled brain, once again I reach for my belt and slowly unbuckle it. She stiffens underneath me, but I keep going, releasing my cock from the trousers and fisting it as I watch her, and immediately I hear the sobs, and that alone is enough to kill whatever heady lustful feelings I'm having.

Her face was pressed into the pillow and she sobbing, the pillow does absolutely nothing to silence her and for a moment I hover there achingly hard cock in my hand, shaking woman under me as I try to figure out if I should just fuck her and get it over with or leave her there..

Her sobs grow louder and she's shaking so badly now and the still decent parts of me forces me off the bed. So I get up, jaw clenched and eye her as she turns slightly to look at me, her face is a mess of tears red from the exertion of crying that violently.

"Get dressed." I growl, irritated beyond measure. I don't wait for a response before I'm out of the room, car keys in hand. I watch my Ross bolt past me to take guard in front of her room. While my only bodyguard Romero follows me.

I walk out of my home and call Lily to meet me in the club

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