Chapter 16 ~ The last time with his father

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It was so hard while this in few days ago and they didn't know what happened to Alpheus and why he will find his father?

This day, Will seeing something in the papules and then he thinking something, if he will find his father, he will lost himself because of Harold's plan, then he tried to know something about Alpheus's family but not.

Then, Kaiko wanted to ask Will to why he will know about himself, that means Alpheus. But he wanted to know about his father but.. it's hard to find someone but he will tired to find his father before he will lost his soul.. and then Kaiko wanted to know about Arthur, if he will survived or not..

"Will, I think that if Alpheus find his father, then he will lost his soul but it's true or no?"

"It's true but he will find Arthur but because of Harold, Alpheus going be lost his soul and we will never seen him alive.."

"If Grace lost him..."

"She will never be happy again."

Ant said to them and then they going be worried about Alpheus and Grace expert of Jacques which only he will be worried for his granddaughter...

"But we don't to lost him, he's the only person who makes her happy and he will find Lemuria? That's crazy."

"We know, Fontaine, but his chances are his.."

"How you know that his chances are his?"

Fontaine ask Kaiko and she didn't know what she answer to Fontaine and after that, Ant remembers something that Alpheus and Ant was the 'namesis' and Alpheus just 'don't care' about his father.

"You know something, Fontaine. I remember that Alpheus didn't have parents and we meet Alpheus's father and we tried to stopped him, that means, Alpheus and he trapped in Jerryfish for 3 months, then!"

"And then?"

"Theeeeeennn, I believe that he didn't care about his father and now he taking care about his father because he's the only person who he met when he was baby."

Ant answer to Will and then Fontaine want to know from who he remember this story.

"So, you know from who you remember that he met his father when he was baby?"

Fontaine smartly asks Ant and then he smartly smiling at his sister who believes that she will don't believe Ant

"I know this from ARIA. You know? ARIA. She remembers everything while she's Artificial Intelligence."

"Yes and?"

Fontaine ask Ant while he remember this which ARIA told him.

"And I believe that he's the only person who he want to find his father and it's Arthur. I think.."

Ant answer to Fontaine and then Will going be interesting with Ant's words.

"He's right, Alpheus want to find his father because he's the only person who he met but if he lost his soul..."

"Scotland didn't have the Crown Prince and Harold will control the world while Alpheus he failed to find Lemuria because of his father."

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