the new student - 01

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Marinette's POV

I stirred from my slumber to the gentle nudging of Tikki, my Kwami, hovering above me with a concerned expression.

"Marinette, wake up! You're going to be late for school again," Tikki chided, her tiny voice tinged with urgency.

With a groan, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, blinking against the early morning light filtering through my curtains. The familiar sight of my room greeted me—walls adorned with sketches and fabric swatches, a testament to my love for fashion design. 

"I'm up, Tikki, I'm up," I mumbled, pushing myself into a sitting position and running a hand through my tangled hair.

Tikki floated closer, her bright red body shimmering in the sunlight. "You need to hurry, Marinette. You can't afford to be late again."

I nodded, knowing she was right. With a quick glance at the clock, my heart skipped a beat as I realized just how little time I had left before the first bell rang.

Bounding out of bed, I hurriedly threw on my clothes—a white shirt and pink jeans, my usual ensemble—and dashed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and splash water on my face.

As I rushed through my morning routine, Tikki floated nearby, constantly telling me to hurry up.

When I finally finished, I made a beeline for the stairs, my heart pounding with the knowledge that I could be late once again.

"Thanks for waking me up, Tikki," I called over my shoulder.

"Anytime, Marinette. Now go, before you miss the first class!" Tikki flew into my backpack with a soft hum, settling in amongst my books and notebooks as I slung it over my shoulder.

As I hurried down the stairs, my backpack bouncing against my shoulders. When I finally got downstairs, I threw open the door to the kitchen.

There, standing by the counter with a knowing smile, was my mom, her hands busy preparing breakfast.

"Late again, Marinette?" she teased, amusement twinkling in her eyes. 

I blushed, feeling a pang of guilt at being caught once more. "I-I'm sorry, maman. I'll try to be quicker tomorrow." 

My mom chuckled softly, reaching out to give me a reassuring pat on the back. "No need to apologize, ma chérie. Just don't forget to grab something to eat before you go."

With a nod and a quick peck on the cheek, I grabbed a piece of toast from the table and bolted out the door, determined to make it to school on time.

 With one last wave to my mom, I set off towards school, ready to face whatever challenges the day had in store.

I make my way to Francoise Dupont High School with a bounce in my step, the morning sun warming my skin and the promise of a new day beckoning me forward.

Little did I know, today would be unlike any other, as the arrival of a mysterious new student would set into motion a chain of events that would change everything.

The bustling corridors of Francoise Dupont High School hummed with the energy of eager students rushing to their classes. It was just another ordinary morning in Paris.

The busy corridors of Francoise Dupont High School pulsed with the rhythm of students hurrying to their classes. I made my way through the crowds of students, my heart pounding with anticipation.

'Aghh I can't be late three days in a row. I shouldn't have worked on my fashion project the other night, stupid me.'

Breathless and slightly dishevelled, I slipped into the classroom just as the bell rang, earning a reproachful look from my teacher.

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