Chapter 1

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The moon hides behind a patch of greyish, navy clouds. Its light breaks through the wispy clouds, penetrating their dark cover. The sky is freckled with brilliant, glowing stars. Their intensity contrasts against the sombre blue of the night sky. The moon's light enters in the room, where Mavis is lying on her bed reading a letter.

The sorceress's sacred sword is dangerous for the heir herself. It would be better to find the Pegasus's blood before it's too late, before the fire of the past burns down everything.

She got the letter 2 weeks after she came home and she hasn't told anyone about it. She thought of telling the others about it but she didn't wanted them to worry about something that isn't related to them. The letters are coming to her, she's the receiver, so she's gonna find who's the sender and will ask for the answers from that person only. "Mavis, dinner is ready. Come down." Her mother called her from downstairs. "Coming mom." She said and put the letter in her cupboard. Ever since she came back, everyone was happy except her own dad. The day when Mavis came he didn't even welcomed her. From that day only he has never talked to Mavis and when he does it always turns in him yelling on her.


I went downstairs in the dining room, where my father, my sisters and mom was waiting for me. "Mavis, come." Mom said and I sat beside Michella. The table was filled with silence, no one uttered a single word. "Dad, our friends are going to Paris this vacation. We also want to go somewhere." Kath said to Dad. "You wanna go?" He asked them and they both nodded. "Okay, so let's go to New York. How's it?" He said with a smile and they both started jumping up and down happily. I scoffed at the sweetness of his words. After this, I didn't have any appetite. "I am done. I will keep the plate in the sink." I said and got up. "But dear, you haven't even eaten properly." Mom said and I shook my head saying that I am full. I got up and took the plate but before I could leave my dad's loud voice echoed through the house. "Mavis Foster, you are not going anywhere. You will finish the food." I rolled my eyes at his statement and went into the kitchen to keep the plate in the sink and when I came back, I saw my dad standing there in anger. "Don't you dare to disobey your father." He said sternly. I scoffed at his words and said, "Finally, you remember that you have one more daughter." "I told you to not talk to your own father like this. Keep your voice down." He spat at me. "But, I don't think so I am talking to my father. I am talking to Mr.Foster, who doesn't even care what his own daughter does." I said to him and the very next moment I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek. He slapped me. "She is getting ill-mannered from the day she had started to stay with those Potters." He said to mom, which made my anger cross its peak point. "Don't you dare to say anything wrong about them, otherwise I won't think twice before doing anything which you will regret later." I fired at him and left from there.
When I came to my room, I closed the door and locked it from inside. I heard heavy footsteps coming towards my room and then there was loud banging on the door. "MAVIS FOSTER OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW." He yelled still banging on the door. I was sitting on the floor near the bed, crying silently. Never have I ever thought that I would have to talk to him like that. I went near the drawer and took out the pendant that I was gifted by mom and this is was the last thing I was having that was related to her. I kept the pendant near my chest holding it firmly and cried until there were no tears left to escape my eyes, until there was no sob left to escape my mouth.

The next morning

I woke up when I heard knockings on the door. I realised that I slept on the floor only that's why I got up and went to open the door. "You are awake. I was trying to wake you up from so long. Go and get ready." It was mom. I told her that I will go and get fresh. She nodded and left from there but there was something she was trying to say. I closed the door and checked the time. It was past 1 PM. Shit! I overslept. I quickly went to the bathroom to do my routine. After everything was done I thought of completing my homework because I didn't wanted to go downstairs after everything that happened yesterday. So, I decided that I will go later. I went to the table but the noises from downstairs made me confused. I thought of taking a look at what is happening. I went downstairs and saw Katherine and Michella standing in the living room all dressed up and having their picnic bags with them. "Kath, Micky." I called them and they came running to me. "Good morning sis." They both said in unison. "Good morning both of you. Are you both going somewhere?" I asked them. "Yes, we are going for a vacation to New York." Michella said with a happy smile. "Really? That's great. You both go and sit in the car, okay." I said to them and ruffled their hairs and they both happily went outside. I thought of apologising to Dad for whatever I said to him yesterday and also I didn't wanted to go so I would tell him that also. So, I went towards his room but stopped outside when I heard the things mom and dad were talking about. "You should have atleast informed her." Mom said to Dad. "There's no need. She's old enough to understand and besides she can take care of herself, So no need to say that we can't leave her alone." Dad said to mom and I felt my heart breaking into million pieces. But when I heard them coming towards the door, I quickly went near the stairs. When Dad came outside and when he saw me he completely ignored me as if my presence was irritating him. "We are going to New York. You are going to stay here and make sure that everything should be in its place as it was. Because when we come and if I found anything different from what it is now the consequences are going to be bad." Dad warned me which made me scoff. "If you care about your things so much Mr.Foster, why don't you take them with you or maybe you can stay here to keep them in its place." I said to him but looks like his mountain sized ego was hurt. He came towards me and said, "You mannerless girl. Who taught you to talk like this to your father?" He said, his words followed by a slap. "I think you should go out. Kath and Micky are Alone in the car." Mom said to him, stopping him before he does or say something else. Dad left from there not before giving me a glare. "I am sorry Mavis. I myself got to know about this vacation in the morning. I even came to inform you but your door was locked. But can't you come with us?" She asked me hoping that I will agree. I shook my head not saying anything because if I did I would end up crying there. She sighed and hugged me. "I am sorry. But the least I can do is convince him to come back early and I promise I will do that. Please take care of yourself. I have made the food and kept it in the fridge. Make sure to heat it before eating and when you cook something for yourself be careful okay." She said all of that in one go and I nodded. I bit my lip to prevent a sob escaping from my mouth. She kissed my forehead and went outside. I also went outside and saw Katherine and Michella waving to me. I smiled and waved back at them. "Enjoy." I said to them. When the car left from there, hot tears escaped my eyes tracing down my cheeks. I came back inside and sat down on the floor and curled up in a ball. As much as I was trying to stop myself from breaking down too much the tears would come out more and more. Suddenly everything in me started aching. My whole body started aching as if my insides were on fire. The pain got unbearable and then suddenly darkness started taking over me and the last thing I noticed was the family pic of Mom, Dad, Katherine and Michella which they clicked when I was in Hogwarts, before I closed my eyes.

So here's the first chapter of the second book. Finally I am here with the second book and trust me it is getting more exciting. So, I hope you guys enjoy this and don't forget to vote the chapter and share your thoughts in the comments.

Till then bye bye my Potterheads.......

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