Chapter 2

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We were at the Burrow just like every summer. Mom liked it very much when everyone gathered together. Everyone was present, except Teddy and Victoire who were coming tomorrow morning. I was in the kitchen making lunch with Hermione. "It feels good, right?" She asked me and I looked at her. "What?" I asked her confusedly. "Being here when the complete family is here." She said and I nodded. "Yes. It does." I told but before she could say anything else a voice erupted in the kitchen. "We just can't go and bring her here mom. It's not right." Ron said to Mom. "Ronald Weasley, if you are forgetting then let me remind you that you sneaked out at night to bring Harry here." And as soon as the words left her mouth both Harry and Ron's face turned red. Mom would have said more if Hermione hadn't interrupted. "But what happened? Who are you asking to bring here?" Hermione asked Mom. "Listen dear, I know that you both will understand me. I want that Mavis also comes here. Besides there are only three weeks left before they will be going to Hogwarts. She has stayed with her parents, she can come here now." Mom said to both Hermione and me and we both looked at Harry and Ron. "Look, Ginny what she is saying. We can't bring her here, it will be odd." Harry said to me and I asked him, "Why would it be odd Harry? Infact I think all our childrens will be happy after seeing her." "Exactly. I don't see any reason to not bring her here. You both are just overreacting." Hermione said to them and they both sighed, completely aware that they can't win against us. "Mom don't worry, we both will bring Mavis here." Hermione said and I nodded. "Mavis is coming??" Albus, James and Rose came into the kitchen quickly after hearing Hermione. "Mom can we come with you. Please mom." Albus said while making puppy eyes. "Albus you know that it won't work on me." I told him and he sighed disappointedly. "But you guys can come with us." I said afterwards and all their faces lit up happily. "Mavis is coming. We are going to bring her here." Rose said excitedly and left from there followed by the boys. We looked at Ron and Harry and they both also left defeated.


After lunch, Both Ginny and I were standing ready near the fireplace and the kids also came there. "Ginny you go first then I will send them." I said and she nodded. She took some floo powder and said the place name and the flames engulfed her. Later, I sent Rose then Albus and then James. "Mom it will take sometime to bring her here, so don't worry." I said to her and she nodded. I took the floo powder and did the same as others and left from there. I came out in the hall of Mavis's house. I got up and dusted my clothes and looked up but my eyes widened when I saw Ginny and kids sitting on the floor near Mavis who was lying on the floor unconscious. "Ginny what happened to her?" I quickly went to them and asked her. "I don't know. When we came here she was lying here. Her body is burning." She said and I bent down to check her forehead and she was actually burning. Ginny you take her to the room, I will bring water and towel. She nodded and picked up Mavis and took her to her room. James, Albus and Rose followed her. All three of them were equally scared as us. It's not likely for wizards and witches to fall sick. We can easily cure ourselves from muggle illness even though if it's fatal to a muggle. 'Why did Mavis caught so high fever? It's very unusual for a wizard or witch.' I thought to myself.

I quickly went into her room with a bowl of cold water and a towel. Ginny was sitting on the bed with Mavis. I went to the other side of the bed and placed the bowl on the table, then I soaked the towel in it and placed it on her forehead. "What do you think Hermione? We know that witches and wizards don't fall sick." Ginny said to me and I nodded. "I know. I am just confused on what should we do. It's clear it's not a normal fever otherwise she would have been fine. There's something else that has caused this fever." I said to her. "Mione, can't we call Madam Pomfrey?" James said. "Maybe we can. But first you three go back home. We will handle everything here." I told them. "No mom, I am not going anywhere. I am going to stay here with her." Rose denied. "Hermione is right Rose. You three should go back. You know your grandma will start panicking if we didn't reached there quickly. So you three go and tell your Dad and Harry about this." Ginny explained her and thank God they agreed.

Hello everyone.
Wassup guys
How are u all doing? Hope everything's good with you all and you all are being stress free (saying a person who is stressing over nothing). Take care of yourself guys. Here's the new chapter. What do you think has happened to Mavis? Why did she fall sick? Share your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote this chapter.

Till then,
Bye bye my Potterheads..........

The Heir Witch's Angelic Sword - 2nd bookWhere stories live. Discover now