The story begins: rewrite

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Sabre didn't know what to make of this.

He didn't exactly know what to do, for this was his first expedition...

Okay, maybe not first, but it was the first one that he was actually allowed to go on.(Maybe that's because of- Ignore it.)

'Maybe I should have brought something, you know, useful but- eh.'

Another shadow skimmed around the corner of his eye.  This was very annoying when you were by yourself.

Pacing away, he sighed.  He was just tired.  He should have slept.   He should ha-


A bird lays unmoving, blood and gore pouring from its torn body.  It was messliy split in half from an axe that now falls crushinh its skull in...

"I... I need to work on that....."

Free food is free food!

Picking up the piece of uncrushed gore, he rips out the spine and plucks out the feathers.  And then makes sure it didn't bleed over everything in his bag before he put it in.  It's a boring and needy process, but he knows he'll need it sooner or later- and another shadow skirts around, just shy of his sight.

Maybe if...

Adventure it is!

Scuttling after the shadow, Sabre weaves through trees and jumps bushes.  Perhaps it would be nice to absorb  talk to!  If it speaks, of course.
(He needs to stop that.)

"Hey, wait up-!"

The idiot trips on a root.  Lovely.

And he fell on his face.  How has he survived this long- nevermind plot armor.
Either way, he sits up, rubbing away some of the red spilling from his nose.  Ow.

"That hurt," the human stands, glancing around.
The sun was... not in the sky, or well, not seen in the sky.  Clouds masked the sky, leaving a grim gray lighting.  Trees seemed more... not living(?) and the shadows seemingly moved
Waiting.  Listening.  Stalking.

A drop of water landed on Sabre's head.  And then another.  And then it starts pouring, the leaves not stopping a drop of it.

"No, no, no, no, please-" He sprinted in search of shelter, panic and bits of dread fill his head at the possibility of getting sick while on an expedition that he was alone on. 

The human ran and ran, and that's when he saw it.  Disregarding the skulls and shadows watching him, he scuttled into a weird cave.  Unfortunately, that cave wasn't a cave, but a tomb where he fell down a flight of stairs, blacking out once he hit the ground.



















-Sabre's pov-

I groan, sitting up despite the pounding in
my skull.  "Ow..."  Sighing, I try to move up against a very weird wall.  "Mhmmr..."

Was I back in the village?  Back home with my 'father'..?  I hope not.  I so
desperately hope not... "What happened...?"

The memories crashed into my head(like how I crashed down the stairs) as I shook my head to clear out the dizziness.  "How did I survive that-!?"  Jumping up, I dust myself off, taking note of how my clothes are only damp despite the absolute down pour earlier.
'How long was I out?'

'Maybe I should leave?'
It was a quick passing thought, yet it was probably the best thought I've had all day.  A shadow flashed across the corner of my eye.

'Or maybe...'

I get up, deciding to explore this place.  The walls were stone brick and looked old, cobwebs and dust making it a home for spiders.  A glance at the stairwell really told me it was a fall I should not have survived. 
'Am I bleeding, at least?'
That was a stupid question. If I was bleeding, I would have known(I hope).  Regardless, I felt along my head, brushed through my hair, and checked my neck.
Nope, nothing, bearly a scratch.

-3rd person pov-

The small human continues down the tomb, finding the mian spot after a bit. 

"Woah, this... is less than welcoming':^"
Indeed, it was.  The walls seemed constricting, the flames of touches still gleamed despite the obvious lack of care for the place.  Shadows looked like they moved and stalk along the floor, and the tomb was large, fit for that of royalty.
On closer inspection, the room was fogged with darkly colored magic.
Just in front of the human sat a stone with engravings.

"...Maybe this was a bad idea-"

Lightning struck the tomb, and a ragged scruffy thing(whatever it was, it certainly didn't loook human) appeared on top of it.

"Beware of unleashing a reality that was long sealed by an ancient race of beings," it spoke. 
The adventurer's blindfold seemed to get noticeablely wet.  "H-hey, man, if you could just, you know, point me in a direction to leave, that'll be great!"  The human tried to speak with confidence. Despite that, his words were nothing but a wimper.

"There is no way out, creature."

"But there is, right here..."
Backing away, Sabre decides to just make run for it....
If it weren't for the new wall behind him, that the poor thing backed into.


"And now...  you will join them."

A barrage of lightning struck.











White.  It was white and loud, he wanted it to stop-!

He was in a room.  It all felt like too much, and his fingers burned.

Where was he?

He remembers something...  A figure... And blue, but a dusty and icky shade of such.

What was that hallway?

It all felt like too much still.

He felt as if he should walk down it.
A dizzying glance around the room proved that was the only option.

The human groaned as he lifted himself to his feet.  Leaning against the bright walls, he forced himself to walk forward.

'What's that?'

Ahead of him sat a portal.
It glew with a purple light, swirling and shining in a beckoning dance.  A dare.  A risk.  A chance.

One that Sabre took the second he walked into a world of pain and regret.

Sorry I left and died for  months':D
I'm just rewriting this because I can't stand how I forst writen it-

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