A colorful world.

41 6 3

An ear pericing shatter ringed through the small home, a wave of distortion along with it.

He has arrived.

《                   ●Garnet'sPOV●                  》

Garnet let out a heavy sighed, his head buzzed, and it felt as though someone was attempting to balance an anvil on it.  Metaphorical bags crawled beneath his burned fingers as unease started wallowing in his belly. 

"Better deal with it now rather than later..."
He rumbled, lifting up from his crouched position beside his flowers. 

The portal would always distort from time to time, demanding attention like a garden filled with needy plants.
Never at this strength... Did something set it off..?
Garnet shook his head, weary gazing his splotched face.  His pace was brisk as he stepped into his home.

Humble and small and perfect for one resident plus an occasional guest.
... If you ignored the cracks in reality.

His quick walk turned to a scamper, his heart pounding.  The door slammed open, strikes of who knows what roasting the hinges and burning the wood.

Garnet covered his face with one of his hands, eyes squinted as he raised the othet in preparation to strike down the portal.

Just as he was about to smite the portal, he saw him.

A scrawny, scuffed up human with hair that rivaled a storm with its broken strands and grayed roots.

"...A... Human...?"

In a burst of awareness, he snapped out of his trance, bracing himself as he reached out into the swirling, endless purple of the portal, violet flames racing past his arm causing his muscles to tense as he snatched the human, dragging the ratty figure out.

The portal seemed to sooth the second the human crashed down to the floor, its cracks closing before--


It shatters.

"Well, that's over..."

Garnet glances at the brunette currently passed out on his floor.


He hulls the human over his shoulder with ease, too easily causing him to nearly toss the human, and let our a started yelp.

Garnet whips sweat from his head, sighing out as he treads out the room.  While it would probably be best to leave the human outside and away from his small home, he's curious.

And perhaps concerned.

Either way, Garnet opens a door revealing a clean yet well lived in bedroom. 
The top half of the walls were a deep red, the bottom being made of stone bricks with shelves littered a little over where they connected.  The bed was neat and pushed into a corner, covered with pillows and a large blanket that sported a poppy red color.  A marigold sweater that's a little too big for Garnet himself neatly folded in the middle.
Across the bed sat a desk with standard office supplies and other items, but nothing note worthy other than a sewing machine.

Garnet placed the ratty human on the bed.

"...I'm sure Asahi wouldn't mind if you borrowed this for a little..."

He removes the human's 'hoodie', which is only held together by a few strings and replaces it with the thick sweater.  Said sweater is practically a dress, as in one of those dresses that drags twenty feet behind the wearer.

Garnet held the fragile piece of cloth.  It seemed well loved and past repair, but he'll salvage what could.

《                    ~TimeSkip~                      》


Sabre groaned, nuzzling the softness around him, a even softer whirring, making him doze off again-waaaait.

Where the fuuu-n was he!?

He shot up, reaching for a dagger he didn't have and flinching at the feeling of something that wasn't his hoodie.
His eyes landed on a tall figure with dark red hair seated in a chiar. 

The tall person was focused on whatever in front of them, seemingly unaware of the gaze settled on them.

(On closer inspection, he can see part of a sewing machine.)

Something about them seemed... Odd?  He's seen tall people before, so he knew it was nothing to do with size, maybe the it was the hair color?  He'd never seem dye potent enough to color hair that well, let alone such a pretty color!




You know, maybe he shouldn't just sit there and stare at this random person.



The red head falls out of their chair, hitting the floor with a thud.

A snicker escapes Sabre's lips.

"wHat, oh-"

The seamstress turns towards Sabre.  Their face was splotched with a rosey red red color, their cheeks dusted with a light blush.  They stand up, dusting themself off.

"Glad to see you're awake, I'm Garnet," they gesture to their desk, "I salvaged what I could of your hoodie."

Garnet held up the hoodie in question, which was mostly white now. The only things that seemed 'salveged' were the hood, pocket, sleeve, and drawstrings.  He probably made a whole new hoodie and had sewn the parts on.

Not that he was complaining.

"You didn'thave to, but thank you.  My name is Sabre, by the way!"

"Nice to meet you, Sabre." Garnet sits on the bed.  "Are you a human?  I've never seen one before!"

What?  "Yes, aren't you?"

"No, I'm a steve, Sabre."




Author's notes:

No wonder Garnet seemed odd?
I apologize for how my writing style changed half way through-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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