Chapter 44

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Pregnant. She's Pregnant.

When the doctor uttered those life-changing words, "She's pregnant," I was overwhelmed with mixed emotions. Happiness, thrill, and excitement surged through me. I couldn't believe it. I was going to be a father. We were going to be parents. It was a dream I never thought would come true. Yet, amidst this joy, there were still unanswered questions.

Did she already know she was pregnant? Is the baby the reason she couldn't use her powers? How is the baby who never got infected with the sedative that bastard used on her? I'll have to check with Baku later. Right now, I want to cherish this momentous occasion.

"Congratulations, Mr. Morningstar, you're going to be a father. Good news, we will bring Ms. Winston out of her coma within an hour," said Doctor John

"We're going to be grandparents," Marcus said sheepishly

"Thank you so much, doctor, but one question: Is there a possibility she already knew she was pregnant?" I asked

"We doubt it, sir, but once she awakens and gets settled, you can reveal the truth, but let's not overwhelm her. She might still be confused and afraid of the recent events," said Doctor John

"How could you have not known she was pregnant before performing surgery to remove her appendix?" I asked angrily

"The weird thing is: The pregnancy wasn't showing up on our sonograms. We checked three times to make sure she wasn't pregnant. Our results came back negative. We assumed the baby was hiding in the womb," said Doctor John

Not showing up on sonograms? I've heard that it is normal for babies to do that. Human babies, that is, but my child is part demon. I'll immediately have Baku look into this.

"Understandable; thank you, doctor," I said

"My pleasure, sir; we'll try to wake her up. I'd advise you all to stand outside and wait till we call you," he said

We've all waited outside her room. Soon, her friends, family, my parents, and the Cliffords all arrived to wait to see her. I wanted nothing more than to hug and kiss her. I still can't believe she's pregnant. I'm so relieved and happy. I revealed to everyone that she was pregnant, and they were excited.


"I'm so happy for you, son, you two will be amazing parents," said Asmodeus

"We're going to be; we've got to plan a baby shower," said Stella

"Our daughter is having a baby; we're so happy for both," said Susan

"No disrespect, she's our daughter," said Marcus

"We understand that, but Lina's like a daughter to us. Even after she left our son, she's still family. She's our daughter," said Thomas

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