Ⅶ. It's a family matter

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"Mama?" Tsumugi called out to me, making me look up to see her standing in the doorway with saddened eyes. "What's wrong?" She padded over to me, resting her small hands on my knees "When is Uncle Y/n coming home?" My brow furrowed in confusion, holding her cheek lovingly "I don't know, why do you ask?" She crossed her arms with a dramatic huff "Uncle Harue is always here to play with me, but he isn't." I chuckled softly, shaking my head "Uncle Y/n is busy with being a sorcerer, I can't force him to take a day off." She only got more pouty at my statement, stomping over to sit next to me on the couch.  I turned on the TV for her, hoping it would calm her down. She leaned into my side, her eyes now fixed on the TV screen.

Sunday afternoons like this were my favourite. Most clan members out for work or other business they needed to attend to. Leaving the house quiet and calm for Tsumugi and me to revel in. A chance at rest, not having to look out for Batton, as much as I loved him. I finally had the chance to read the book I've been wanting to read for ages now but just never got the chance. Tsumugi's warmth beside me as a grounding factor.

After a while in this moment of peaceful bliss, my phone rang. I jumped slightly, picking it up to check the caller ID. Y/n? I quickly picked it up, worry striking me once again "Hello?" I heard some shuffling happen on the other side before his voice came through "Hey Emi." He sounded tired. Really tired. But not the sleep-deprived kind. Lord, please tell me, when will this boy stop worrying me? "Is everything alright?" Silence again. "Can I come home?" His voice was hoarse as if he'd been crying earlier. Or he was getting sick. Could go either way with him, to be honest.

Tsumugi jumped up, leaning on me in anticipation. "Is that Uncle Y/n?" She whispered loudly, making the subject of the matter chuckle. I'd never been so relieved to hear him laugh. "Yes sweetie, give me a moment to talk to him alright?" She nodded excitedly in reponse, bouncing with a burst of energy. "But yes of course can you come home. This is your home as much as it is mine or Harue's." I heard a soft, sarcastic 'uhuh' making me roll my eyes. "I'm coming over for dinner then." He spoke dryly, along with more shuffling. He sounded as if he was getting up, ready to leave already. "Are you coming over now?" I assumed he was still in Tokyo so he'd have to take the subway to get here. "Yeah, I have to travel like an hour. Do you want anything from the store before I get on the subway?" Just like when we were kids, always looking out for us despite me being the oldest. Ever since...

"Could you get some paper towels and maybe some bread? Oh and eggs. Brown preferably." He muttered something affirmative while likely grabbing his bag and some other belongings he might need. Maybe he could stay the night if his work allows it. "I'll hopefully be there in little more than an hour." His voice grabbed my attention again along with the sound of his keys jingling. "Does the colour really matter?" He mocked, irking me. "Yes. Brown shell peels better." I could hear him click his tongue, opening his door before locking it behind him "I call bullshit but whatever..." He mumbled under his breath, still mocking me. 

"What do you know, you barely cook anyway." I spoke in a defensive tone, Tsumugi eyeing me curiously but also slightly confused. "Hey! I cook plenty of times." I hummed doubtfully, not believing him in the slightest "Tell that to the empty instant ramen cups on your counter." I could hear him stop in his tracks, a slightly frightened gasp escaping him "How the hell do you know that?!" He whisper yelled before continuing his walk to the supermarket. I laughed at his reaction, shaking my head slightly "I guess you haven't changed since you moved out huh?" I could hear him mumbling some swears under his breath only making me laugh louder. "Man I'll see you soon." I finally caught my breath, wiping the tears from my eyes "See you soon, Y/n." And with that he hung up the phone. I had some cleaning to do. And I had to prepare the guest bedroom. Just in case.

While I was preparing the guest bedroom after doing a proper sweep of the whole house I could hear the front door getting unlocked. It couldn't be Y/n, that's too soon. "I'M HOMEEE!" Harue. Perfect timing actually. He can start on dinner. "Uncle Harue!" I could hear Tsumugi jump up from the couch and run towards the front door. I made my way there as well, cleaning supplies in hand. Harue looked at me, raising his eyebrow curiously with my daughter in his arms "Doing some spring cleaning or what?" I shook my head, placing the cleaning gloves on a nearby table "Y/n is coming over for dinner so I deep cleaned and I'm currently preparing the guest bedroom." 

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