The Eternal Wait

4 1 0

April 10th 2024

Timothy stood at the bus stop outside the hospital, his gaze fixed on the electronic information board overhead. Its glowing display read: "Next bus: 11 minutes away." It was always 11 minutes away, no matter how long he waited.

At first, Timothy had dismissed it as a glitch in the system-a quirk of technology that was easily explained away. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong.

Each morning, he arrived at the bus stop at the same time, only to be greeted by the same message: "11 minutes away." It was as if time had frozen in place, trapping him in a never-ending loop of waiting and uncertainty.

As he stood there, the sounds of the bustling city fading into the background, Timothy couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. There was something sinister lurking beneath the surface, something that defied rational explanation.

One day, unable to bear the endless waiting any longer, Timothy decided to investigate. He approached the information board cautiously, his heart pounding in his chest as he examined it for any signs of tampering or malfunction.

But to his surprise, the board appeared to be in perfect working order. The numbers glowed steadily, the display flickering with an eerie sense of permanence that sent shivers down Timothy's spine.

Determined to uncover the truth, Timothy boarded the next bus that arrived, his mind racing with questions and possibilities. But no matter where he went or how far he traveled, the sensation of being trapped in time never left him.

Days turned into nights, and still Timothy found himself ensnared in the endless cycle of waiting. His internship at the hospital became a distant memory, overshadowed by the all-consuming mystery that consumed his thoughts.

And then, one fateful night, as he stood alone at the bus stop, the world around him seemed to shift and blur, as if reality itself were unraveling at the seams. The information board flickered ominously, its numbers swirling in a chaotic dance that defied comprehension.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Timothy realized that he was not alone. Shadows moved at the edge of his vision, whispering secrets that he could not understand. And in the darkness, something lurked, something ancient and hungry, waiting to claim him as its own.

With a cry of terror, Timothy turned and fled, his footsteps echoing in the empty streets as he ran for his life. But no matter how fast he ran or how far he traveled, the darkness followed, its tendrils reaching out to drag him into the abyss.

And then, just when all hope seemed lost, a light appeared in the distance-a beacon of hope in the darkness. With renewed determination, Timothy raced towards it, his heart pounding in his chest as he fought to break free from the grip of the unknown.

And as he emerged into the light, he found himself standing once again at the bus stop outside the hospital, the information board glowing softly overhead. But this time, the display read: "Next bus: Arriving now."

With a sense of relief washing over him, Timothy boarded the bus, his heart filled with gratitude for his narrow escape. And as he rode into the night, leaving the horrors of the past behind him, he knew that he would never forget the eternal wait that had nearly consumed him-and the miraculous journey that had set him free.

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