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     "I was doing just fine before I met you."

Annika groaned in annoyance as the familiar song started playing throughout her house— the Indian National Anthem

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Annika groaned in annoyance as the familiar song started playing throughout her house— the Indian National Anthem. She screamed into her pillows and tried to muffle the noise but she knew it was no use because her mother had charmed it that way. Thank you so much Minnie.

She knew there was no point in rolling around in her bed anymore and stomped her way towards the bathroom and quickly took a shower and came out to choose her outfit for the day. She decided to wear loose jeans with black T-shirt and a simple grey jacket over. She completed her look by wearing her favorite converse shoes. She applied lip gloss a bit and some mascara over her lashes. This is teen hood I guess. She picked up her small backpack before mentally checking if she had picked up all the things she needed.

Annika would be returning for her third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Annika was a half blood and the only daughter of the Shah couple. Malik Shah was a pure blood who was disowned from his family when he decided to marry his Hogwarts sweetheart her mom, Ruhi Bhatia. Ruhi Bhatia was a muggle born, her parents had died in an accident the day Ruhi was on the train to Hogwarts as a first year. Since then Ruhi was grown in her aunt's house who were abusive and despised her for being a weirdo.

Malik was a brave Gryffindor and Ruhi was a proud Ravenclaw. The two fell in love when they were appointed as the Headboy and Headgirl during their last year. Before that the two used to bicker quite a lot, the whole school was aware of their annoyance with each other. The two moved together after school and decided to marry after two years together. Malik became an auror while Ruhi decided to be a muggle teacher not really wanting to be a part of it anymore.

Malik was close friends with his colleague Fleamont Potter, he was his senior during his time at Hogwarts and has always looked up to him. Because of their tight friendship the two families live a street away from each other, always meeting up on the weekends. They all got together so well except for their kids. The Potters had a son, same age as their daughter, James Potter. James Potter took pleasure in annoying the Merlin's shit out of Annika Shah. She was everything he hated he wasn't sure what but he just knew she gave her nothing but frustration whenever she was near him.

One of the two would always be resulted in injury whenever the two are left alone— it'd mostly be James. Things heated up more when the two shared the same group of friends at Hogwarts. He took each an every chance to heat her up with fury. And would always go back with a hex.


Annika walked into the dining room to hear her parents having the usual argument about the Indian National anthem alarm every morning at 6. The train is at 1. "Seriously darling, what even is the rush? The train doesn't leave for more 6 hours. Why did you wake us up so soon. You know how late we slept yesterday because we—" Ruhi immediately punched her husband's stomach as she noticed their 13 year old walk into the room with an annoyed face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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