Chapter one

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Author pov

You were currently chatting with your friend Yana. She was your bestie. You did everything together.

And when the new kny simulator game came out, you guys decided to play it together.

"Omg bro. I KEEP GETTING REJECTED BECAUSE OF THIS GIRL SUYANA!"You yelled at the screen, Yana laughed at you.

"GIRL?? Why the HELL you laughing? I know you hate her too girlie.."you said side eyeing your friend. She rolled her eyes playfully at you

"Sorry!" She raised her hands in a way to surrender. "But, for real. I hate her. Like everything I do , she always does it better to spite the players bro." Yana said, explaining her hate for Suyana, the main reason nobody gets good endings

"Girl, it's cuz like I've been trying to get giyuu for so long since like he cute and stuff. But, like she keep acting like she all that, you know? Like in one scene, she made it seem like I punched her!! I didn't even do anything bro!" You said, scoffing at the memory.

"Omg, same! It was for the tanjiro ending right?" Yana said, gasping.
"Yes girl!"
"Hold up, it's getting really late, let's save our progress and call tomorrow n/n?" Yana said, looking at the time waving you bye.

"Ok bye! Goodnight!!"
"Bye bae!!"  You guys said your goodbyes and left the call. You did your nightly routine such as brushing your teeth, skincare, shower,and everything else.

After all that, you dressed in your pj's and noticed something wrong with your PC. You raised an eyebrow, looking at it up and down.

"Girl, you better start acting right." You said as you tried to fix one of the plugs to see if it was the plugs that were malfunctioning.

You noticed how it started glitching even more. "What the-" you got interrupted by the sound of a explosion and he feeling of getting sucked into something.

"WHAT THE HELL?!! HELP ME!! YALL!" you screamed for help, around you was pure darkness with just a small candle in front of you.

After a while, you thought about pinching yourself. Which did work! You woke up, and saw that your surroundings were different?

It was cute and decorated really pretty, but it wasn't your room. It looked like the MC from the kny simulators room!

"What the hell.. I'm I in kny?" You muttered under your breath. You quickly searched the room, looking for a bathroom. In which you found.

You went inside, and saw your reflection. You looked the same, with just a small black bandage on your nose. You raised up your shirt to look at your body. Same exact body.

You sighed in relief. 'thank God, I still have my body..Wait! I have to make sure I'm in the kny universe and not just in some random NPCs house!' You thought, quickly going out of the bathroom and your room.

You went down the stairs, and saw your bestie.
"OMG! You got sucked into this game too!?" You said, gasping before jumping in joy.
"Yes! Thank God, your here with me, pretty!"
"I know! I need so much support!"

"For real! Like with Suyana! You might need to hold me back" Yuna laughed at herself. You quickly ran to Yana and gave her the biggest hug.

She hugged you back before saying, "Wait, look there's a note." You got off her to see what she was talking about.

Oh hey! There was a light pink note on the kitchen counter.

Hello girls, you might be wondering why are you here. Well, its because most people were complaining about the endings, so I've sent you guys to change them. Originally, I was gonna just send Y/n. But, quickly realized she would need support. The game creators shall give you infinite money to spend and use for your hearts desire as a apology. The only way to survive this game is by #+$-_(#-@+. Sorry, I can't tell you. But, I'm warning you that this is the ###$$
Game mode. Good luck girls, you need it.

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