Chapter two

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Yana is not a romantic yandere but PLATONIC SHE JUST LOVES YOU WAYY TOO MUCH LOL

Author pov

It was finally Monday, the day to go to Kimetsu High School. Right now, you were currently brushing your hair, while Yana was showering.

You guys were in the same bathroom since Yana didn't really care if you saw her body and neither did you. Plus, you guys wanted to talk about the situation and routes again.

"Wait, like what if we so hot, we get their attention" Yana said gasping while putting soap in her hair.

"Bitch don't be like sayana, delusional. But, to answer your question, they will be so focused on sayana they won't notice our pretty ass." You said smiling, you knew the both of you were pretty, but since sayana WaS a GoDdEsS, you wouldn't catch their attention.

"You right," Yana said, getting the soap out her hair, now moving onto conditioner. You were done brushing your hair, and decided to change into your uniform

"Yana, turn around I'mma change" you said getting your clothes. Yana turned around fully, even though the shower wall thingy was blocking her vision.

You got dressed quickly and put some jewelry/bracelets/accessories on. "Yana, I'mma go eat breakfast, so I'll call you when it's done!" You said exiting the bathroom, she just yelled out okay!

You went down stairs quickly, and went to the kitchen. When you arrived at the kitchen, you got the butter, pans, and flour ready to make pancakes.

After about 10 minutes, you saw Yana come down stairs with her hair down and uniform on. "DAMN GIRL YOUR SO PRETTY" You said gasping. She giggled and then said, "BITCH BYE, YOUR PRETTIER, LIKE BODY TEAAA, LOOK AT YOUR HAIR ITS SO PRETTY, YOUR PREFECT BITCH" She said, grinning at you.

You quickly ran to her and gave her s hug. "BITCH WE BOTH PRETTY!!"
"YURPP"You both cheered, before going to the kitchen again. Yana sat down while you cooked the pancakes.

After about one minute, the pancakes seemed to be done. "Yana! Go get two plates" you yelled, she yelled back saying, "OK!"

when you arrived at the dinner table/kitchen table, you saw the plates, so you put two pancakes on both.

Y'all ate y'all's pancakes while hyping each other up like the pretty bitches you are.


You guys finished your pancakes in about 5 minutes, so it made you have 10 minutes to arrived at school. School was 5 minutes away, so you guys weren't in a hurry.

But, when y'all finished, you put y'all's plates in the sink, grabbed your backpacks, and left the house.

On the way there, you guys were wondering if y'all can make any other NPC friends. "To be honest, I don't want anyone else in our small circle. I just want you.." Yana admitted, shyly looking at her feet while she walked.

You thought for a minute, before nodding. "Yeah, cuz like what if Sayana pays them to tell her our secrets" you said nodding
"Yes, exactly!" Yana, grabbed your hand and intertwined it with yours.

Yall finally arrived at school, walking through the gates felt like walking through an asshole from how bad you felt walking into a school full of yandere s.

You both sighed, making you both look at each other before giggling. "Girl you just me"
"Bitch my twin" Y'all giggled, before realizing y'all mfs were lost

"Wait, where's the main office, we need our schedule?" You asked
"I swear if our schedule isn't the exact same, imma bring a gun to school and start shooting it up" Yana said rolling her eyes at the thought.

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