3. We are like Yin Yang

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It had been a few days since N had spent the night at Uzi's, but since then they had written a lot to each other and had seen each other privately from time to time, but these were not any official private meetings.

N was leaning against the kitchen counter, writing happily with Uzi about a game they had recently played together. Suddenly J entered the kitchen in his long pajama-dress with the logo of some metal band. Her hair was loose and tangled. Sleepy, she stood next to N, preparing herself some coffee. It was already the weekend so she didn't have to worry about school

N: Oh! Hi J! ^^

J: Mhm...

J was too tired to answer N. After brewing the coffee, she immediately took a sip.

J: Who are you texting with? 

N too busy, very interesting conversation with his... friend, he didn't hear J's question.

J punched him in the arm.

N: Owww!

J: Helloooo I asked you a question. Who are you texting with?\

N: Oh! Uh... With my.. friend, ^^"

N laughed awkwardly and put the phone down, looking at J's blue, tired eyes

J: ...You texting with Uzi, right?

N: Yeah...

J nodded and took another sip of her coffee.

N: J?

J: Yeah?

N: How do I ask Uzi if she wants to meet up with me?

J: Normally?

N: You're not helping...

J: Text her if she wants to meet up or something.

N: I meant like.. on a date?

J choked while drinking coffee, N awkwardly patted her on the back.

J: Date?

N: Y-yeah... ^^"

J: V won't be happy... I mean... ughhh Why are you asking me this?

N: I thought you had experience...

J nudged N and went back to drinking her coffee.

N: I guess I'll do as you say. Thank you J!

N happily jumped out of the kitchen

J: I have a bad feeling about this...

In Uzi's room

Uzi lay quietly on the bed, scrolling through Instagram and waiting for a message from N.

After browsing Instagram for a while, she suddenly saw a message from N.

N ^_^:
Uziii, I have a question!

Uzi >.<:
Hm? What is it?

N ^_^:
You know... It's the weekend and maybe... would you like to go out with me?

After this news, Uzi stood up in a sitting position and smiled to herself. She started jumping up and down with joy and when she was about to reply, N sent another message.

N ^_^:On... a date?

Uzi squeals with surprise and covers her face with a pillow. "What am I so happy about?! T-It's just a little meeting... a date?". She took her face out of the pillow and quickly replied:

Uzi >.<:
Uh.. Sure ^^"

N ^_^:
So maybe today at 6 p.m.? ^^

Uzi >.<:
Sounds great! :P

N ^_^:
I will pick you up, see ya!! <3

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