Working Hard

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Joshs pov

"Amy before we let you listen to the songs we have you have to promise us that you won't tweet any songs from it, say the name of the album or video us doing any songs. We know we can trust you but it's just a precaution" I stated as i led her through the room.

"of course I would never do such a thing. This is my dream" Amy replied

Her hair was lose around her back with strands around her face. Josh had the strangest desire to put her hair behind her hair. He fighted and won. OK so today we have a song we are doing its called This means war and we're recording the drums do it so Ian will be I the studio. I'm going to show you what I do and then the next time we record drums you will take over. OK? Pay attentions because theirs a lot to it.

Amy was a fast learner I found out. She's keen to learn and help out in any way possible. She left to go get a Ian a drink and Matt came over.

"Dude your like a puppy in love" he smirked

"shut up Matt" I growled thinking she might hear him

He held his hands up defensively

"She drop dead gorgeous and if you weren't my best mate then I would be going for her. Bare in mind though there's a lot of men in this city and when they see her. They will try to get her so you better be quick. And just because your the lead singer of her favourite band doesn't mean she will do anything like that " he said and walked off

The words he said pierced his heart. He was right.

"Hey Josh can you do me a favour" Amy said from behind him.
His hear did a summer salt

"Sure what's up" he replied as calm as possible.

"OK one or my friends on twitter is like a massive fan like number one. But she's never had a reply from you and it's her birthday so could you maybe tweet her a happy birthday? "Amy smiled

" Sure what's her @? " pulling put my phone I always have loads of notifications

" Doitlikemtrench"

"done" I said to her and she walked up and hugged me. She smelt of strawberry and cherrys

"Thanks your the best"
And she walked of to give Ian her drink.

Damn it Ramsay he muttered to himself

I think I'm in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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