Friendly Neighbours

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Amy's hopes crushed immediately when the furniture guys came. They dumped all of her furniture onto the hallway of the apartment and there was 3 flights of stairs and when she asked for help they declined saying they had to deliver other stuff and left her on her own.

"Shit" she thought to herself how am i supposed to get this to my apartment. There was loads of boxes containing her stuff from Scotland plus new things such as a tv and sofa and bed.

Done moping around she decided that there was only 4 other people in the building so no one would steal her stuff and began to take boxes up to her apartment.

It took her 2 and a half hours to take the boxes up and now she was left with the dilemma of trying to take a bed and soda and tv up. She was leaving her apartment to try and find someone when she bumped into someone.

"ohh sorry" she blushed looking down

"Ohh no my mistake i wasn't looking where I was going" the man said and Amy looked up

"Josh? What are you doing here?" Amy asked puzzled.

"Hey Amy. I live her i life, well right next to you" he pointed

"Is that your stuff down there. Matt, mike and Ian are down stairs pondering over it. Want some help shifting it?" he asked her

"That would be great thanks" she replied and they walked downstairs

'Hey Josh did you find who's stuff this is" called a voice, Ian

"Yeah this is the girl i was telling you about "Amy"

"Hi" She blushed

"Well hello there pretty thing" Matt smirked

Amy was pretty sure she was going to die of heat exhaustion

"Matt quit hitting on her and help her move her things" Josh laughed picking up a cusion and throwing it at him

"Aye Aye Ramsay" he smirked and together they all helped her move her things.

"Thank you so much for your help guys" She smiled

"No problem" they said

"Hey Amy do you want to come have dinner with us, we have spare Chinese and Mikes ditching us for his girlfriend?" Josh asked

Amy not one to refuse Chinese agreed after her stomach made angry forward flips and she realised she hadn't eaten for 10 hours. Plane food she did not like

"Hey Ramsay screw you okay" Mike laughed

"Lets go. We can talk about your job too Amy" Josh smirked and led the way. Matt walks behind her whilst Josh and Ian debated over who's dog was better. Bubba or Bennie.

They walked into his house and Amy was greeted by a loud woof and and dog pounding it ways to meet her.

"Sorry Amy that's..." Josh began before Amy interrupted Him

"Bennie" She exclaimed and bent down to clap her

"How do you know that?" he asked

"Josh honey i follow you on twitter and I'm a trencher" she told him laughing.

"I love our fans" Josh said turning to Matt.

"Well lets eat" Matt said

Amy stomach growled in agreement

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