𝙕𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠

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Well the five student and teacher hurried to the infirmary kids in passing classroom's turned their head's to see what all the commotion going on outside was about. When they got to the room Mi-suk noted how Hee-su hadn't gone to the bathroom , but was instead in the infirmary. Even thought she was confused on what the other girl was doing here Mi-suk focused on the task at hand with Hyeon-ju.

"We need help" Ms.Park said, "Put her on the bed" said the nurse. Ms.Park hurried to tell the nurse about what happened as Mi-suk helped guide and set Hyeon-ju on the bed. After taking the girls temperature the nurse exclaimed that her temperature was to low.

"Hold her down so she doesn't kick it off", all of them tried to hold the blanket down well Hyeon-ju thrased around and tried to bit them. 

The nurse turned to the teacher and said, "Call an ambulance right now. I'll hold her down and clean her wound's". As Ms.Park called the ambulance the student's tried holding down the girl for the nurse as she cleaned her wound's .

"Too hot" Hyeon-ju's shaky voice said, "Your temperature is a little low" Mi-suk said well struggling to keep her self calm and the girl in place.

"The science teacher gave me a weird shot" the bloodied girl explained. The nurse's eye's widened before asking, "A shot? Mr.Le Byeong-chan gave you a shot?". "He tried to kill me" Hyeon-ju said still thrashing around in the bed.

To say Mi-suk was terrified was an understatement. I mean it's not every day one of your class mate's come into your classroom covered in blood muttering about your science teacher trying to kill her. Ms.Park pressed the girl to tell them more but all she said was "I'm gonna kill them all" well raising her upper body to bit at Mi-suk. Luckily the girl didn't get bit, but instead got scratched by Hyeon-ju. "Mi-suk, Mi- suk, are you okay?" I-sak asked the girl frantically, Mi-suk checked her hand before giving I-sak a slight nod. Before I-sak could ask more question's the nurse came back telling them to hold Hyeon-ju down so she can give her a shot.

Outside the ambulance had shown up to get Hyeon-ju as well as a fire truck. Mr.Nam, On-jo's dad, checked over both the girl's after getting a bandage for Mi-suk scratched hand. Mr.Nam was another adult figure in Mi-suk life that she could fully trust without a second thought, like Cheong-san's mom. Given the fact Mi-suk wasn't treated with much kindness or affection from her parent's before she moved in with her brother and his boyfriend, that trust didn't come easy for Mi-suk. That's why she treasure's every good and healthy relation ship she get's with not just adult's like Ms.Park or her friend's parent's, but also with every friend and classmate.

Well walking up the stares to get back to class On-jo stop's, seemingly waiting for someone. "Why did you stop?" Mi-suk turned to ask the girl.

"You can go ahead of me, I just need to ask Su-hyeok something." On-jo told her simply. Mi-suk didn't think anything of it and kept walking to the class. When she was about to turn the corner of there class room floor she bumped into Cheong-san.

"Oh, hey Cheong-san" Mi-suk said after realizing it was him and flashing him a smile. "What are you doing out of class?" she could barely finished her sentence before Cheong-san started fussing over the scratch on her hand. 

"Where did you get hurt?" Cheong-san asked before picking up the girls hand that has the scratch. 

"How bad is it, huh? You're such a klutz sometimes." the boy expressed again. Mi-suk let the boy check her hand before saying "I'm not that much of a klutz, it's just Hyeon-ju was thrashing around a lot.".

"Well I'm glad you're okay" Cheong-san said well continuing to inspect the bandaged scratch. Mi-suk couldn't help but admire Cheong-san with a slight smile which wasn't so unusual considering she had a fat ass crush on him, but still. 

𝙁𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙑𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙡𝙡 𝙇.𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙜-𝙨𝙖𝙣Where stories live. Discover now